He's Back

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Riley looked at the bundle in front of her as she smiled. She shook her head knowing her life had changed. She and Lucas were never really able to figure out what was going on with Charlie and Missy and after their fight about the love rectangle, Lucas decided to go back to Austin to continue with school over there. But shortly after he was gone, Riley found out she was pregnant with his child. Struggling to get hold of him she gave up eventually while the situation at home got so extreme that Cory kicked her out of the house. Maya and her mother had then offered that Riley could stay with them until birth and on 23 October 2017 Riley gave birth to Noelle Pearl Friar, making it the happiest day of her life. Making Maya godmother and Farkle godfather while she still stayed at the Hart apartment. Now Noelle was nearly 5 months old and Riley heard the news of Lucas returning to New York for family matters.

"Think my goddaughter is absolutely beautiful," Maya said handing Riley a cup of tea.

"Yeah, I know. When will he be back and for how long? Why does Farkle only know what's going on?" Riley asked as Maya exhaled.

"Riles, calm down please," Maya said as she saw the door opening immediately seeing her boyfriend.

After Maya's 17th birthday, Josh had decided to end the long game and the two of them were now together for 2 months while Josh had also put in a lot of effort to help Riley with Noelle when it was needed.

"Hello, Boing. Coffee?" Maya asked as Josh gave her a kiss.

"Yeah please. How is my great-niece?" Josh asked looking into the stroller to see Noelle asleep.

"She's absolutely beautiful, Niece. You're doing good," Josh said as Maya handed him a cup of coffee before both sat down as they saw Farkle coming inside the apartment.

"Finally. I've been wondering all day what's going on," Riley said as Farkle exhaled.

"He's back for a funeral, Riley. He won't be here long," Farkle said.

"Arrange that I can see him tomorrow please. I need to tell him about..."

"He's actually here. Lucas come on in," Farkle said as Lucas came in immediately seeing Riley.

"Hey, Maya heard about the relationship. Congratulations," Lucas said as he saw the stroller.

"She's not ours. Her name is Noelle," Josh said as Lucas looked at Riley.

"Cute baby. Probably Mr Matthews. I have to get going. We'll catch up another time," Lucas said as he left.

"Farkle," Riley said.

"I'll arrange it," Farkle said as he went out of the apartment.

"Lucas! Riley wants to see you tomorrow and no. It's non-negotiable," Farkle said.

"Fine then. Tell her to meet me at the bakery at 3pm," Lucas said as he got into his car driving off.

Farkle went back into the apartment seeing as Riley held Noelle in her arms.

"3pm tomorrow at the bakery."

Riley nodded as she looked at her baby girl who was growing up fast. She exhaled knowing Lucas wouldn't necessarily have a good reaction to the news but she knew it had to be told.

"Thank you, Farkle. I'm just going to feed her quickly. I'll be right back," Riley said.

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