Your Daughter

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Lucas exhales as he was at the cafe drinking his second cup of coffee while he was waiting for Riley. He knew she wasn't late but he was early. Over and over again he thought of what had happened the previous day in Maya's apartment. How she looked, the same familiar chocolate brown eyes he once could have disappeared in, the same familiar smile and lips he would kiss. Now all that is left of their romance was ashes. Lucas saw as Riley came into the cafe carrying a car seat as he smiled at her.

"Hi, Lucas. Thanks for seeing me," Riley said as she put the car seat down.

"No problem. Coffee?" Lucas asked as Riley shook her head.

"No, I just want to talk to you quickly. I know you're only here for a short time so I just want to..."

"Riley, hey. How are you, honey? We miss you at home," Topanga said as Riley smiled at her mother while she could see how Lucas looked at her.

"Yeah, I'm good. Mom could you excuse us for a few minutes? I know you haven't seen Noelle in awhile but I do want to talk to Lucas first and then we can make plans," Riley said.

"Of course, Honey," Topanga said going back to work.

Lucas looked at Riley as she didn't know what to tell him. She got out the diaper bag she had for Noelle while she got out a few pictures giving it to Lucas. Pictures of her birth. Of her meeting Maya and Farkle and Josh. Pictures of Noelle and Riley in mother-daughter moments.

"Riley, what's going on?" Lucas asked.

"She's your daughter, Lucas. I got pregnant after you left for Austin," Riley said as she heard how Noelle was busy waking up.

"Hello, Baby Girl. Are you awake? Let's get you out of this seat," Riley said unbuckling Noelle as Lucas stood up.

"Come here," Riley said picking her daughter up as Lucas walked towards Riley until he was standing right next to her.

"Lucas, I want you to meet your daughter, Noelle Pearl Friar. Noelle, this is your daddy," Riley said smiling as Noelle reached her hands out to Lucas.

He gently stroke over her tiny hand with his fingers while Riley was watching him. She smiled gently leaning forward as she gave Noelle to Lucas causing him to smile as he wrapped his arms around her body.

"Hello, Noelle. Hello. She's absolutely beautiful, Riley," Lucas said as Riley smiled.

"I've been meaning to fly down the Texas but a plane ticket is expensive and my father lost his temper so badly when I got pregnant that he kicked me out. I'm staying with Maya permanently," Riley said.

"He'll come around," Lucas said.

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