Chapter Forty One - Some People Never Change

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{All He Ever Lusted}

Chapter Forty One - Some People Never Change


I kick the door open to Alistar's dorm, cussing in my head. Idiot, idiot, idiot. His lights were off, so I could easily spot his blue eyes in the dark. As much as I couldn't hate his father any more than I did this second, I was furious at Alistar as well, why didn't he tell me all this? Why did he keep putting himself down like this? 

“Stace?” He walks up to me, and once he comes near me, I push him against his chest, and his head knocks against the wall, as he lets out a curse.

“What the hell happened to no more secrets between us?” I screamed out. “Why didn’t you tell me that your father was in this very building and was such an evil prick?” 

"Stacey, whatever is happening, we have to discuss later. Now isn’t a good time.” 

As I inhaled, I recognised the scent in the air all too easily. Why did this place reek of blood? My eyes broadened as I spotted the motionless body by the corner of his bed. Of course. I had completely forgotten the type of person Alistar was, and still is. And just as I expected, it was a girl.

Mr. Van Pelt words echoed in my mind, “If there’s one thing I have learnt after all these years, it’s that people never truly change. Especially when it comes to Alistar.”

It was expected that I was angry when I spotted the motionless figure but I heaved as I took a closer look at who it was — because it was the furthest person who I would wished to be in this position. 


I approached where she was placed. The teeth marks were present on her neck and as I crouched down, I instantly felt the tear drops rolling down one by one. Why did she deserve this? She didn’t deserve this. She wanted to be a doctor, she had dreams. She was my best friend. I reached up to stroke her cheeks and the chilliness coming from her body made me numb. 

My eyes shifted over to Alistar as my heart seemed to have stopped beating this instance. The feeling I had towards Alistar at the moment, was it hatred? No, it was something much worse. It wasn't just hatred, it was pain. He had promised he would stop taking away innocent lives, but now he had taken away my best friend’s life — all because he was hungry. 

Mr. Van Pelt was right, he never would have changed.

Here I was, trying to prove his father wrong, when I wasn't even able to convince myself?

"Unbelievable," I murmured as my hair fell in front of my face, feeling the tears threatening to spill out once again.

What was I crying for though? Vivian's death? How Vivian's parents would react when they found out their daughter had died mysteriously in the middle of a perfectly normal night? Or the fact that Alistar would show no remorse towards this at all and just erase everyone's memories by clicking his fingers? This was why I hated getting attached to people, all they would ever end up doing is hurt you.

“Stacey, I can explain," he says, taking a few steps towards me, as his hand were dangerously close to my cheek.

"Don't touch me," I slapped his hands away, as the tears began flowing out. Why did it feel like I was getting punched in the stomach? “Don't talk to me ever again. Don't you dare even look at me ever again."

"Why are you being so cold?" He snaps at me, “Won’t you just hear me out?” 

I couldn't believe my ears, he had taken away the life of the only person who had stood by me when everyone else was gone — even when Alistar wasn’t here. She had mattered to me, I loved her. How he already forgotten when he had promised me he would stop with his "old habits”? Now he asking me why I was being cold towards him?

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