he's ours♨️

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Ship - Dreamsapunzrl (Dream x Punz x Sap x Karl)

The four boys were in Dreams bedroom hanging out chilling, these four have always been dating secretly.

"When are we gonna tell them?" Karl said as he cuddled Sapnap on his lap.

"Really, whenever Dreams ready" Punz said.

Dream was smirking "if you guys really wanna we could I don't care if they know we're dating, I care if they know what I am or not" Dream said.

"Embressed your the bottom still" Sapnap teased.

"Dont make me come over there and beat the shit out of you Arson boy" Dream said.

Dream felt something poke him "Punz seriously?" Dream said.

"I mean we haven't in awhile" Karl said.

"I'm in a room of horney bastereds fantastic" Dream said standing up, he was taller then them all.

Dream walked out of the room "fuck yourselfs" Dream said before slaming the door.

"And we had to get a bitchy bottom just our luck!" Karl screamed.

- later -

Dream was now on his bed he was still ignoring his idoits.

"Oh come on just one round?" Karl bagged.

"Alright fine have your fun" Dream said caving in.

"Who you sucking off this time baby" Sapnap said smirking.

"Mmm let's just try you all down there~" Dream said.

"Alright sure" Punz said with a smirk.

They had just had some fun yesterday, so they didn't strach Dream, they just undressed themselves, pushing I'm one at a time.

"Your screaming our names so loud~" Karl said.

Dream smirked "mhm I'm aware" Dream said.

The three boys got to work, thrusting in Dream dead on that spot. Causing Dream to scream there names so damn loud.

The boys went faster and started to pull out and ram in and out of Dream.

"Augh oh fuck!" Dream screamed fucking loud.

Dream was sent into over steamlated, sweaty, tear stained, drolling cum oozing pleasure, radiating a thick sweet smell, causing the tops to go faster, Punz was makeing dark marks all over Dreams neck.

"Ugh~ fuckk" Dream screamed gripping onto the sheets just moaning loud as fuck whimpering, screaming his boyfriends names.

"God damn he's beautiful when getting the daylights fucked out of him" Sapnap said digging his nails into Dreams sides.

"Mhm were lucky he's ours! All ours" Karl said.

The three groned "damn babyboy~" Punz said the sent was getting stronger.

"In or out?" Karl questioned.

"I..in! Mise as well just fill me" Dream said with a rasp and whimpers.

The three tops smirked, they love seeing Dream in so much pleaser best of it was caused all by them.

The thrusting became stopping, warm cum leaking out of a sleepy tall dirty blond, laying on Karl's lap slowly falling asleep.

"Nahaha bath time first baby" Sapnap said.

"Nooo let me fucking sleep you horney bastereds" Dream said tairdly.

"No we need to get you cleaned up" Punz said.

"Noo!" Dream argued.

"Come on Bunny please don't be a bitchy bottom for once" Karl said.

Dream stuck out his tongue, "Sapnap go start the bath we'll deal with the stubborn bastered we call our boyfriend" Punz said.

Sapnap nodded getting up and heading to the bathroom connected to the bedroom.

"No!" Dream said crossing his arms.

"You being stubborn won't stop us from want to fuck the daylights out of you" Karl said.

Dream shut up that is excally what he was trying to do 24/7.

"Mmm so that's what you were doing huh Darling" Punz said picking up Dream.

Dream just clinged to Punz, as they carried him to the bathroom, putting him in the tub.

They cleaned up the clingy stubborn mess of Dream, Dream keept grabbing on ther arms cuddling them.

"Awh I love him and his clingy archs" Sapnap said softly.

"I love you, you horney bastereds" Dream said.

"Love you too babyboy" the three tops said.

They took Dream out of the bath getting him in Karl's hoodie and some boxers, aswell as getting Dressed them self.

Dream was asleep in Sapnap Lap snuggled in his neck.

Punz was laying back on Sapnap with Karl in his lap cuddling him.

Dreams phone started to ring it was George...

"Answer it Punz" Karl said.

Punz answered it, and George was fucking screaming about how could they fuck his crush when they knew he liked him.

"First off quiet down Dreams sleeping, second off me and Dream were dating long before we met you" Sapnap said.

"Yeah me and Karl just ended up joining there relationship like 2 years ago" Punz said.

George didn't care he was pissed he wasent the one giving Dream that pleaser.

"Face it he's ours you short colorblind fuck" Karl said.

"Your color blind to Karl" George screamed.

"Not as bad as you, he can seeing colors just get them confused" Sapnap said.

George just was pissed Dream woke up "GEORGE SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW, AND FACE IT IM TAKEN BY 3 PEPOLE NONE OF THEM ARE YOU AND I LOVE THEM ALL SO SHUT THE FUCK UP" Dream said tiredly and clearly mad he was woken up.

The three tops look over to the angry sleepy boy they just fucked the living daylights out of.

"George you fucking woke up our baby" Punz said more mad.

George was just screaming his head off about being lead on.


"Because he's ours" the three tops said hanging up.

Dream fell back asleep snuggling into Sapnaps neck again.
Alright here's your first chapter!

Unc۵ntr۵llable  L۵ve ❥ Bottom Dream X Mcyt [Ended]Where stories live. Discover now