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Ship- Dreamnap/sapwastaken, slight dnf
Au-short!dream, Jealous!George, sudactive!sapnap, metup!dreamteam.
Kinks- thighs, daddy, touches.
Idea by- myself :)
Dream and sapnap was in the back of a car and george was driving, and sapnap slowly got closer to dream and george watched and became pissed, he was planning on confessing to dream and claiming him. Sapnap rubbed dreams thigh who looked over with a smile.

'Can I help you hot stuff?' Dream said flirty.

Sapnap smirked picking up his hand putting it on his ereacting cock, that he had gotten by stareing at dream imaging it 'don't know can you baby?' He'd ask.

George unware at what was going on as they had a blanket over there legs, and the boys were whispering, sapnap nipped dreams ear wanting the boy to deal with the problem he caused.

'Ah~' Dream  lightly moaned for sapnap to hear.

'Please  I can treat you so well' sapnap begged in Dreams ear.

'B..but george is right here and we're in a car' Dream whined lowly for sapnap.

'So? Do you even like him or are you more instrested in getting fucked by my 16 inches~' Sapnap whispered sudactively.

Dream whimpered at that thought ' won't fit sappy' Dream whined.

'Wanna test that' sapnap said, and soon was interrupted with George.

'So dreamy~ anyone you like?' George questioned.

Sapnap looked to dream with a smirk while dream looked to him 'I'll fuck you if it will make it easier' Sapnap whispered in his ear.

Dream gave sapnap the look, and sapnaps Seattle slid off and dream as pulled onto his lap removing his seat belt to and a make out session started where they undressed echother and sap entered Pounding dream after he'd adjust.

'Sapnap~~ ahh' Dream whines.

'It's fucking daddy to you' Sapnap said in his ear.

Dream screamed daddy as as sapnap pounded him, and soon prostion chnaged dream was face down on the carpet, and sapnap was pinning him.

'You two seriously d-do this?' George said with extreme sorrow in his voice.

'Fuck~ yeah sorry George but I couldn't help it I wanted him on me and I'm impassionet dream knows this' Sapnap said grineing.

'S..sappys very impassionet and if you don't give him what he wants he gets pissed' Dream moans loveing it.

'B..but sapnap you know' George started.

'I know, but so do I and I'm sorry but I'm takeing what I want' Sapnap said with a grone while he destroys dream infront of george.

Sapnap contuied to fuck dream to liveing his in the car they were having Manny  prostion changes as the car cuddly comes to a forceful holt pushing them on the car flooring.

'You teo are jackasses.. Expiclly you sapnap get out' George hissed.

'Augh~ after we finish they'd moan.

'No now' George hissed.

Sapanp  glares and hits dreams spot ignoring georges nonsense 'who's are you'Sapnap groenes out.

'Yours~ all yours daddy' Dream whined, cummed all over the floor.

They hear the door open to the divers so sapnap sat up pulling his now boyfriend up with him locking the door so when George tried to open the door to drag them out he could then he went back to driver and couldn't get in so he banged the window.

They'd ignore and contueid there fun until sapnap filled dreams ass up, and pulls out.

'Well now what.. George I don't locked out and we made the back of his car a mess.. it also reaks of sex' Dream whines.

'Mm.. well that was worth it.. I now have you as mine' Sapnap said with a light grone.

Dream smiled 'steal George's car and figure out where to go?' Dream sudjusted.

And that's what they did they are now found all the way in Arizona again and back in there room.
Double. They did george dirty twice.

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