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As the elevator doors shut Izuku just stood there stunned. Did Bakugo really just do that? And why on earth was he ok with it? Making a mental note to keep the sassy attitude to himself from now on so he doesn't end up in a situation with his boss that would be a very very bad one.

But if he's really being honest with himself, when Bakugo leaned in and he thought he was gonna do something crazy like kiss him, why on earth did his heart start racing? why did he feel the draw to him? would he have stopped him? Did he want to stop him? "UUGGHHH" he groans while Shaking his head roughly and rubbing his face with his palms he tried to clear his head. He was a straight man, he married a woman, has two kids, even if by some chance he was bisexual there is no way Bakugo wants the baggage that Izuku has laying around in his head and heart to pull him down. He finally decides that he's gonna be strictly professional and keep all banter with the insufferable man to a minimum.

The elevator finally touches the ground floor and he gathers himself and walks outside to his run down truck, dreading so badly the awful hotel he has to go to tonight. Lost in though the entire drive he finally pulls into the hotel to find his door wide open "FUCK" he yells at the windshield, he quickly throws his truck in park and jumps out to run into the room to find it trashed, everything is gone. All of his clothes, the few things he brought like an alarm clock and toothbrush and soap. All of it. Who even steals stuff like that?

Izuku walks outside to try and calm his nerves and looks at the sky "what else do you want from me?! I have NOTHING LEFT!!" He screams into the cool night air.

Taking a quick mental note of what he has left, two pairs of old jeans, one pair of black slacks, two dress shirts and 3 tshirts in his truck. Ok. He might be able to make that work. He drives to the nearest dollar store and grabs some soap and toothbrush, making a mental note of the money he has left and drives to a cheap off brand clothing store to buy one more pair of black slacks. That should take care of him until he gets more figured out. By this point it's already late and he decides it's not worth the risk of finding another shitty hotel he finds a mildly lit parking lot and parks his truck so he can get at least a few hours of sleep.

Izuku sits straight up in tears and screams "NO DONT LEAVE ME!!" His eyes shoot open and it takes a minute for him to realize where he is, he lets out a massive sigh and lays his hands on his face only to realize his face is wet with tears "god... I thought I was past the nightmares.." he digs through his truck and finds his phone 5:43 am. He didn't have to be to work until 7:50 but hey, why not slowly head there. Maybe they will appreciate him being early and not question it. He drives to the nearest gas station and heads into the bathroom to change clothes and brush his teeth. He looks in the mirror at himself and sighs "Midoria, how did you get this low?" He asks himself.

Pulling into the parking lot at 6:47 he groans. He's still over an hour early. He parks on the edge of the parking lot and scoots down in his seat and pulls out his phone, after mindlessly scrolling through Facebook for a few minutes he sees another set of headlights pull in. A tricked out black on black truck with mean looking green and orange pin stripes pulls in and park. Much to his dismay, Bakugo gets out of the truck, looking all ruffled with messy hair and low hung shorts on and a cut up tshirt. He watches the blonde for a while observing the way he runs his hand through his messy hair and leans on his truck vaping while playing on his phone, the smoke from the vape rolling off of him and making him look all the more dangerous.

Izukus close observation was broken when another set of lights pulls in. A blacked out BMW with red LED lights everywhere pulls in and a loud and excited Kirishima hops out and fist bumps the waiting Bakugo. Izuku watched the two talk for a moment until Kirishima turns and looks straight at him across the parking lot. " OH SHIT" he quickly scoots down in his seat and picks up his phone like he's been playing on it the whole time and not spying on his boss. Next thing he knows a hard knock on his window makes his jump out of his skin

"HEY bro! Why are you here so early?" Kirishima asks

Quickly rolling down the window to his old truck "hey yeah sorry I couldn't sleep and figured I'd go ahead and head up here. Sorry didn't mean to bother y'all! I didn't know anyone would be here" he says as he rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Nah man we just meet to work out every morning, wanna come pump up before work?"

The energy of this dude is insane, he's a great guy, just really intense.

"Oh it's ok, I don't want to get in the way, and I didn't bring anything to work out in" he hopes the red haired man will accept his excuse.

"Oh dude I got you! I keep extra clothes in my bag! Come on. It'll be a good way to get to know more about you!"

Damnit. "Alright I guess if I'm not gonna get in the way" he grabs his phone and keys and locks up the truck to walk over to where Bakugo is standing looking quite pissed off.

"What the hell are you doing here so early?" Bakugo snaps

"Yeah sorry I wasn't sure how long it would take me to get here and I misread he time" Izuku mumbles

"Ahhh don't let Bakubro get to you, he's just a grumpy puss in the mornings!" Kirishima leans on Bakugos shoulder and grabs his face and squeezes it. Izuku thought it was going to combust right then and there. Bakugo huffs and turns around flipping them both off.

"Just get inside and stay the fuck out of my way Deku"

Kirishima facepalms. "Listen I know he's a little rough around the edges but he's a good guy. You'll get used to it" he play punches Izuku on the shoulder and walks inside.

"Deku? What the fuck? Well I guess here goes nothing" Izuku mumbles as he follows the two inside.

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