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"Why are you trying to rush me?" You slowly take off your shoe, just to hear Eli whine your name. "Aren't you tired?"

You just returned to Eli's house. With him gone earlier, you had decided to take your bags back to your own. You were able to unpack and clean with the time, even if your mind kept traveling back to your morning's events.

"I'm not tired." Eli responds, whine turning into a laugh as you go the same speed with your other shoe.

"It doesn't matter anyway." Eli adds, bending down to help you, placing the pair by the door. "I'm too excited."

"It does matter." You say. "Did you take a nap?"

Eli shakes his head, and even though he hasn't taken one, you don't believe that he isn't the least bit tired considering it's been hours since he's first left the house.

"Eli." You say, examining his expression for the extra blinks he usually takes to keep his eyes open, held back yawns, or the forced raise of his eyebrows to make it seem like he was less exhausted than he actually is. "What did we agree on?"

You have rules in your relationship that don't only control his pleasure, specifically to ensure he takes care of himself even when you aren't with him. Because Eli has the tendency to overwork himself on an already busy schedule, you had of course made one that requires him to get as much rest as possible.

"That I get lots of sleep." He replies, remembering how strict you were about it.

"Right." You say. It takes everything in you to focus on getting your point across and not leave soft pecks on his puppy eyes, which are, might I add, already looking at you for forgiveness. "So next time I want you to get some rest okay? Even if you're not tired."

"I will." 

You raise an eyebrow.

"I promise." Eli adds.

"Good." A smile dances on your face as you think about the fact that after tonight he'd be spent, and sleep wouldn't be a question.

Eli stands there, eyes still trained on you even after you finish talking, bubbling with his excitement. You can see it in the way his pouted lips say each word, curving at the corners in an uncontrollable smile despite his patience running out.

"Don't you want to know what I did instead?"

Normally Eli had you come over as soon as he got off work, that way he could spend more time with you before bed. You assumed he had to have been doing something that interfered with you coming over earlier, but you hadn't thought to ask, figuring you'd find out anyway.

"What'd you do puppy?"

From the way he brought it up himself, clearly there was something more he hasn't yet told you.

"Well I took a shower," Eli says, stutter evident in his first words. "And got out the stuff for dinner."

"And?" You say, knowing there has to be more. Eli being this jittery over a clean body and his next meal made no sense.

"I want to show you." He says nervously, now realizing you'd caught on from your response.

You look at Eli questioningly before he grabs a hold of your hand and pulls you to his room, not even giving you time to decline, although it's not like you would have. He pauses with his fingers on the handle for a split second before turning it and pushing open the door.

Your eyebrows raise in shock as you scan the room. Rose petals seem to be everywhere, sprinkled on the floor and bed to accent the candles that lit the dark room. It was so pretty, and with Eli, who let go of your hand and moved to stand in the middle of it all looking proud, it was even prettier.

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