What is it?

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I sat on my bed listening to some music. The sound blaring through my headphones as I enjoy my own company in the dark. There are nights were I can't sleep so I usually listen to music.

My eyes shift to the clock hanging on the wall, not being able to see the time I turn on my phone squinting my eyes due to not being used to its brightness its 4:12AM. I sense some movement outside my room through the window.

I see a shadow figure but choose to ignore it thinking it might be my sister searching for a midnight snack. I move my head to the beat and I open my eyes as I see some figures around my room as if someone's almost sitting on my desk table chair staring at me.

I took this as a sign, turned off my phone and turned my back to my desk pretending to sleep. I see shadows move around for a while and then it disappears.

She finally fell asleep.

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