Ch. 6, Without Thinking

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Tsukishima's pov

We didn't have practice today so I found my self outside with (Y/N) as she draws with chalk. "(L/N)?" We both hear a voice before turning to see two kids around (Y/N)'s age. One boy and one girl, but the only thing different about them is their gender. They both have the same coal black hair and green eyes the color of clovers, so I conclude that they're probably siblings.

"Ah! Hayato! Izumi! Hello!"

To my surprise, (Y/N) seems to know the two pretty well. "(Y/N), who are these two?" I ask, keeping my voice rather quiet so the siblings wouldn't hear. Apparently it didn't work, since the next thing I hear is "Hayato and I live next to (L/N)'s house!" from the girl, or who (Y/N) calls Izumi.

Ah. So they're neighbors.

The two green eyed kids begin to talk with (Y/N) some more, without even acknowledging that I'm there. I don't pay attention to them much (since their conversation was pretty bland) but I hear a few certain questions being directed towards (Y/N). Actually it wasn't exactly a few.

"(L/N), why did your mother come jones without you?"

"Did you get lost?"

"Did she leave you?"

"She looked mad!"

"Who's the tall guy?"

"Why're you in front of this house?"

"Is this your family's house?"

(Y/N) barely had any time to answer in between questions, so in the middle of the boy asking his 13th question, she bursts out saying "I'm staying with Tsukki and Tsukishima-mama right now!" ('Tsukishima-mama' was a nickname she had given my mother, even though she was told to call her 'Mrs. Tsukishima'. But she thinks the nickname is cute, so my mother allows (Y/N) to call her that. Although, I can't say I like it.)



Nice, (Y/N). I can feel a hurricane of questions coming your way. Good luck.

"Is 'Tsukki' the tall guy?"

"Why are you staying with them?"

"Are they your new family?"

"What's a 'Tsukishima-mama'?"

"Are they strangers?"

"Were you disowned or something?"

At this point, I could tell that (Y/N) was feeling pressured from all the personal questions. She just stood there with an expression that looked as if it had fear, hate, and confusion all mixed together. A look I thought I'd never see on her. It was at the point where her eyes filled with tears that could spill out at any moment. She glanced to me, pleading me to intervene. It somehow worked even though she didn't use her words.

Without thinking, I stood up from where I sat and slapped the siblings' cheek to shut them up. Surprisingly, they actually did. What the hell did I just do? Should I say something? Are they going to cry? The tears forming in (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes faded away, but were passed on to Hayato and Izumi's.

"Er..go home.." I mumbled to break up the deafening silence. But still, nobody spoke. Or moved, actually. Until out of the blue, Hayato shouts, "Y-y-you meanie! W-why'd you do thaaat?" Great, here comes the waterworks. Hopefully they don't live close by. Izumi tried her best to comfort her brother, but failed since she had her tears fell a bit as well.

"Just stay away from (Y/N), you disrespectful kids. Ever heard of privacy?"

Am I going too far?

Hayato and Izumi ran off in tears, while all I could hope for is that they won't tell their parents. Seems pretty impossible though, considering that they're kids. I unintentionally notice (Y/N) looking up at me her eyes filled with gratitude. She smiled, and finally spoke in a soft and gentle voice.


And attached herself back on my leg.

Author's Note:
FINALLY! Tsukishima actually bonding with (Y/N)! To be honest, I couldn't figure out Karasuno's schedule for practice, so I just came up with "there's no practice today". I'd like to thank everyone who's supporting this fanfic (and actually reading it lmao) I hope you're enjoying it so far!


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