Ch. 9, Onii-chan

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(Note: (B/N) means Brother name)


(Y/N)'s pov 11:37 pm

The front door of our house swings open, to reveal my beloved Onii-Chan. He's been working a lot a part time jobs to help support all three of us; him, mommy, and me. He's been coming home late frequently. "Onii-Chan!" I walk over to him to greet him.

"Hey, (N/N)!" He bends down and pats my head. The exhausted expression on his face fades into a happy smile, but still leaving some tiredness behind. "Where's mom?" He asks after looking around the house, realizing we were alone.

"Mommy went out!" She hadn't told me where.  All she said before she left was: "Be a good girl until (B/N) comes home, okay (Y/N)? Mommy will be home later.",  not even bothering to make eye contact with me. "Tch. She's been going out a lot lately. And coming home later too." Onii-Chan mumbles quietly. "Anyways, what have you been doing all day, (N/N)? Did you have fun?"

"Mhm!" I hum as I nod my head. "I played with Milk today!" I happily say as I hold up my (F/A) plushie. (Note: you can rename the plushie if you want)

Onii-Chan giggles and goes to look at the time. "It's pretty late now, (N/N). Let's go to sleep now. You must be pretty tired, huh? I'm sorry you had to wait so long for me." He apologizes. "Don't apologize!" I scold "If you didn't go to work everyday, then we wouldn't have a house! Don't be sorry for that, Onii-Chan!" A stunned expression forms on his face before he laughs.

"Okay (N/N), I won't apologize like that anymore! Now, let's get to bed. You wanna have energy for tomorrow, right?" We walk over to our shared bedroom, and I put Milk on my pillow so he can wait for me. After preparing to go to sleep, I retrieve Milk and hold him during the night. "Night Onii-Chan!"

"Goodnight (N/N)."

I begin to drift away, until I fall asleep next to him.

Short time skip (12:48 am)

I wake up a little, and is about to go back to sleep before I realize that Onii-Chan is gone! I hear faint voices coming from the living room, and sneak out of my room with Milk to go see. There, I spot Mommy and Onii-Chan talking. They don't seem to see me, so I hide behind the couch. I listen in on their conversation, and I hear Onii-Chan speak. But the Onii-Chan I hear doesn't sound like him. It sound stern, and even angry.

"I don't want (Y/N) to grow up how I did. Waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to come home, basically like a pet!"

"Then why don't you just stay with her then?" That was Mommy's voice.

"Because I'm earning money so we don't end up not the streets! I didn't quit school for you to get drunk all day and every day!"

"Well if you hate it so much, why don't you just leave?"

"If that's what'll make you open your eyes and give (Y/N) a good childhood, then so be it."

"You're fourteen, (B/N)! Where are you going to go?!"

"I know people from my jobs. Not that you cared or anything."

Is Onii-Chan leaving us? I don't have time to think when he spots me from my hiding spot. Oops. I forgot about that. "(Y/N).." he crouches down to my height. "You need to have a mother in your life, so...Onii-Chan is going so that Mommy will realize how to care for a child." Onii-Chan pats my head.


"You better take care of her." He glares at Mommy. She doesn't look at him. Although she doesn't exactly seem to care.

And just like that, Onii-Chan was gone

Another time skip (next day) 6:23 am

I was out walking with Mommy for what was probably the first time. Suddenly she stopped at an empty street. My hand was let go, and she started to leave. I followed. She sighed and angry sounding sigh and turned to me. "Don't follow me. Go bother someone else for a change." She huffed as she walked away, checking every once in a while to see if anyone saw.

Next thing I know, she's gone too. Everyone's gone. Gone gone gone. Except Milk. He's here. he going to leave too? I hug him tightly making sure he doesn't escape. I don't think he'll leave though.

Some time passes and I spot a green haired boy walking with a blonde one, who actually looks similar to Onii-Chan.

"You ready Tsukki?"



Author's Note:
Yeahh this chapter was basically a big flashback, but now (Y/N) has a 'backstory' hehe! I was going to make this chapter and the next one just be one chapter, but then this flashback ended up being preeetty long. Oops. Or should I say oops? 🤔 Nahh, considering that I hadn't even thought of the next chapter yet lol. Anyways, we actually hit 1k reads on this!! I appreciate everyone for reading this; I didn't expect to get this far to be honest! I hope you're enjoying it so far! I'll get to planning the next chapter soon! <3


(Other note: I finally updated the cover! Do you think it looks good? I might change it again at some point tho lmao)

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