Ch. 7, Greater King

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Hinata-kun?" I go up to the orange haired boy after practice one day. "Oh! What is it, (Y/N)?" He responds. "Why do you seem more excited than usual? Did something good happen?" I ask him. "More like something's going to happen!" He smiled.

"Like what?"

"Our Spring tournament is soon! We're going to be able to play against a bunch of cool and powerful schools! And the Great King!"

I look at him in confusion. Great King? I've heard Tsukki refer to Kageyama as the "King" so maybe him? But Hinata and Kageyama are on the same team?! How would they play against each other? Something doesn't add up.

"Who's the Great King?"

"Oh! He's-"

"Oikawa Tooru." Kageyama butts in. "He's an incredibly skilled setter, with a killer serve to top it off. We lost to his team, Aoba Josai, last tournament."

"Mind your own business, Kageyama" Hinata snarled. Apparently, by the looks of it, he wasn't fazed at all from the short boy's attempted intimidation.

"And also he used to be on Kageyama's team in middle school. I think they may have some beef with each other or something!" Hinata whispered to me. Oh, right! I remember hearing about that from Tsukki! Something about a rebellion or something...thankfully, Kageyama didn't seem to hear him. If he did, Hinata would probably be dead by now.

"But if he's the Great King, then if you beat him, you'll be the Greater King! Right?" I encouraged him. "I don- heyy..HEYY... YOU'RE RIGHT! WE'LL DETHRONE THE GREAT KING FOR SURE!! WHOO!!!" Hinata yelled. If we were in an anime right now, there would be fire in his eyes. I laughed at the thought. "Yeah!!" I giggled. "Don't encourage him, (Y/N). If you do, he'll never shut up. Ever." Tsukki warned me.

"Agh, you shut up, Stingyshima." Hinata muttered. Tsukki just snickered. "Hinata-kun? What are the Great King's serves like? Didn't Kageyama say their...killer?" I ask. "Yeah!" He replied "He tosses the ball like WHOOSH! Then runs up to it like ZOOOOM!! Then hits it like WABAM!!!" Hinata emphasizes on the sound effects, then points to himself using one of his thumbs. "But don't worry! We're gonna best his team! And dethrone the Great King like you said! Then we'll be the GREATER KINGS!! YEAHH-"

"You won't be able to be the 'Greater King'  unless you work on your receives, Hinata!" Hinata was cut off by the coach—or rather Coach Ukai


Hinata somehow recovered quickly. "Don't worry coach! Once I perfect my receiving, no one can stop me!"

"Nice attitude, Hinata!" Nishinoya praised his underclassmen, while balancing on the tangerine's shoulders. Hinata still had that fired-up look, but looking closely you could tell he was hiding the pain on his shoulders. don't have to look closely. You can clearly see it.

"Hinata, you do know the tournament isn't for another two months...right?" Daichi reminded him. "Eh?! I-I knew that! It's still important to be it??" Hinata's face faded to a bright red from the embarrassment-plus-spotlight. I notice Kageyama not involved with anyone right now, so I go up to him while he's available to talk. "Kageyama-San?" I ask while he does what I call his special-jumpy-super-serve. I may have thrown him off though, since he turns to me midair and ends up completely missing his serve—the ball bouncing off the poles holding up the net.

An irritated look enters his face. He ran over to retrieve his missed ball, without acknowledging me. Maybe he forgot? I decide to remind him that I want to talk to him. "Kageyama-San?" I repeat. "Hm." He hums in response. Yeah..I really made him mad.

"Hinata said you have something called 'beef' with the Great King! Do you know what he meant?" He was thrown off again?! Maybe I said too much. His slightly irritated expression quickly becomes one filled with anger towards a certain middle blocker. He finally turns to me, breaking up the silence between us and says, "No."

"Are you lying?"


"Are youu??"


"I bet you are! Hinata wouldn't lie about something like that."


"You sureee????"


Operation trick Kageyama into saying 'no' again: failed.

Author's Note:
I'm sorry if this chapter was a bit boring to read since it's mainly just (Y/N) talking to Hinata and Kageyama lol. I had fun writing a lot of Hinata talking in this chapter tho because of all the sound effects and stuff. I love him sm ❤️. Anyways, I hope your enjoying this so far! I'll try to write the next chapter asap!

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