Chapter Twenty Two

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The afternoon goes on quietly, with your usual routine of riding to pick up Michael from school, helping him with homework, then waiting for dinner in the early evening.

"I'm hungry, dad," Michael groans, seated beside you at the kitchen table.

"Patience is a virtue," you remind, turning to him with a slight smile.

Before he can respond, William carries three plates to the table, setting them down in front of the two of you while sitting in the seat on the other side.

"Thank you," you both say in unison, yours just a tad quieter.

Despite his generosity, you can't help but feel a bit apprehensive, or at least distant, towards him.

Your mind wanders back to all the scattered fragments that just don't make sense, that he never explained to you, when a voice brings your attention back.

"You had a show today? Aww, I wish I could have seen it!"

Michael takes a bite as he turns from his father to you, quickly finishing chewing so he can speak.

"Did you watch it? Did you like it?"

"Yep! And I really liked it!" you smile, seeing his eyes light up.

"Actually, she said she loved it," William smirks, looking at you.

You roll your eyes with a soft blush before continuing to eat, tasting the warm mashed potatoes.

Conversation falls mostly flat at the dinner table while you all eat, apart from Michael rambling on about something to do with a gameboy.

"So y/n, dear," William starts, "what is your favorite movie?"

It is clear he just wants your attention, wants you to talk to him rather than just mutter a reply every now and then, but you feel so... drained.

You think to yourself for a moment, about to speak when you notice Michael also awaiting your response.

'My favorite movie is one that hasn't even come out yet, and Mikey doesn't even know I'm from the future.'

"I'm not sure," you respond, unable on the spot to think of a single movie that has come out.

William frowns at your response, or rather the lack of one, looking down to his plate in thought.

Despite your answer being partially genuine, you can tell he took it as a way for you to avoid talking to him.

"Is something wrong?" Michael hesitantly asks, noticing the tension in the air.

You can feel William's eyes on you, but you keep your head to the side as you gently shake it, reassuring the worried boy.

"It's nothing."


You head upstairs with Michael after dinner, waiting in his room for him to finish showering and getting changed into his pajamas.

As much as he looks like William, almost to the point of an identical younger version, he sure is a lot happier and more innocent.

'Funny how they can be so different.'

During the albeit short time you have been here, you have loved getting to know and being in Michael's company.

Somehow, he always manages to make you feel better, always making you smile. And tonight, you especially need it.

He walks into the room, slinging his bath towel into the laundry hamper by the door before seeing you on the edge of his bed.

"Want to play a board game?" he asks excitedly, rushing over to the bookcase nearby.

"𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒓" - William Afton x readerWhere stories live. Discover now