Welcome to my life

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Why? Why can't I just blend in with others? My sister is smarter than everyone in her grade and still manages to fit in, I'm just the ugly duckling who won't ever fit in or have friends. My mother is the only reason i am still here on this pathetic world, she is sick and needs me to take care of her. Even though i love her i am tired of being told that I'm going to fail and I'm not trying hard enough.

I'm too scared to cut myself, afraid of death, and hate my life. I've put up with this for long enough. I can't handle this anymore besides it's not like anyone would care or even notice if i go missing. I'll just pack my school bag with some clothes, water, food i probably won't eat, and some necessities. At midnight I'll crawl out my window and run away.


Y/N puts the emergency ladder in the window and climbs out. She looks back at the one room she actually liked one last time then climbed down and started running as fast as her weak, tired legs could go. She kept running not bothering to look back until she fell to the ground from exhaustion in the park a good distance from her "home". She dragged herself to the closet tree on this lovely hill she would often sit on when she was a kid.


I made it to the only place i have a good memory of. I barely eat or sleep anymore which i see now is bad cause i barely made here. For the longest time i have been playing running away and i used to have a map that i marked out with places i would sleep or just be safe. I don't know where I am planning to go live, just anywhere that isn't that horrible house or an orphanage. For now i will rest here til I can run again.


"Buh bye chat! Byeee!"

After a long stream it was already a little after midnight which means you can see the stars pretty clearly. I shut my computer down, threw my black and white jacket on and left my house to head to the park. There was a willow tree on a hill which was the perfect place to sit and look at the stars. As i got close to the hill i saw something small, a child? I quickly made my way up to the person stepping quietly as to not startle them. It was a girl, i would guess about 5'5 or 5'6. She was very skinny and seemed to have fallen asleep after crying.

"E..excuse me? Ma'am?"

The girl quickly scrambled backwards closer to the tree terrified.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you! I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"W.. why do you c..care?"

" Well your out here all alone at night and a lot of crime goes on through these areas. You seem very sweet and i just don't want you to get hurt."

" Who are y..you? Why are you here?!"

"Oh right, um I'm Ranboo and I'm an enderman or well half enderman and half unknown. I came here to look at the stars cause they help me clear my thoughts after a stressful day."

"Oh... I'm Y/N and I ran away from home."

"Why did you do that? I'm sure they might be worried sick!"

" no they aren't, I'm just a waste of space there. Their life would be better without me and i have never fit in any where so i might as well become a outcast to the whole world."

"Hey..your not a waste of space and you do fit in somewhere, maybe not here but i know a place where people like you finally feel at peace and fit in!"

"How can you be so s..sure?"

"I was once like you, an outcast, the one who got bullied, alone until i found a place where i belong. Why don't you come with me back home and then tomorrow morning I'll take you there."

"Thank you sir, but I don't want to be a bother for you."

"Nonsense! I could use some company on the flight."


"Yeah, we have to fly there. If your comfortable with this can you tell me how old you are?"

" I'm 16"

" okay, you'll fit right in with me and two other friends if mine who are pretty much the same age as you."



Y/N walks with Ranboo to his house while maintaining a 4 foot space between them. Y/N takes residence on the couch while Ranboo makes his way upstairs to his bed.


End of the first chapter! I hope you like it so far and stick around for more! Make sure to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally! Love you guys! Peace💖

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