⟦ 4 ⟧

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Bimbus tugs on the edge of the carpet, biting off some of the seems.

Sykkuno doesn't pay it any mind, however, as that rug became Bimbus's chew toy over the years.

He waits by the couch as Corpse changes into spare clothes and brushes his teeth in the bathroom.

Sykkuno taps his foot against the ground before retrieving a novel from the bookshelf. Although he hated the idea of a dystopian world, he found himself addicted to reading about the concept of how society could fall and the systems people create in order to keep humanity alive.

Once Corpse returns, Sykkunos stands up, placing his book down.

"Uhm-" Corpse begins. "Where do I sleep?"

"The couch is too small to sleep on." Sykkuno answers. "If you're comfortable, it's better to share the bed."

Corpse nods slowly, his face feeling hot and his mind dizzy.

Sykkuno walks into the bathroom, putting on his pajamas before picking up his toothbrush. He scrubs the fronts and backs, all while staring at himself in the mirror. Sykkuno notices his hair and how it's lengthed. But he's never cut his hair before. His manager or friends always offered to do it for him.

The boy sighs and rinses out his mouth.

He walks out, looking at Corpse sitting on the couch.

"Are you coming to sleep?" he asks.

"It'll be too cramped for you, and you're already letting me stay here, so it's no big deal."

"It's even more cramped on the couch." Sykkuno giggles, "Don't worry, it doesn't bother me."

Corpse stands up and walks over to the bed, watching as Sykkuno laid down. Corpse awkwardly laid down beside him, attempting not to cause any physical touch between them. However, in a bed like this, it was impossible. He shuddered at the feeling of his arm against Sykkuno's.

"Goodnight, Corpse!" Sykkuno speaks cheerfully.

"Yeah, goodnight," he responds.

Sykkuno flips of the switch for a lamp, engulfing the room in darkness. He felt Corpse turn around, facing the opposite direction of Sykkuno.

Sykkuno felt flustered, and so did Corpse. However, both tried to stay calm and force themselves to sleep.

Sykkuno had only slept with Bimbus to cuddle with, not another human being. But the feeling was addicting. All he could feel was Corpse's warmth.

He stared at the wall, thinking about how cozy he felt, and eventually, the thoughts of comfort cause his eyelashes to flutter closed.

✧ ✧ ✧

Corpse couldn't fall asleep.

The contact they would make sent a tingling feeling over his entire body.

Sykkuno was kind to him, which was unexpected. After lending Corpse his scarf, Corpse had thought about him non-stop. It was such a simple action but caused him to smile nonetheless. People had only done things for him a few times, and those people were acquaintances he knew his whole life.

But Sykkuno was a stranger that he'd only known for a day or so. He'd given up his scarf, allowed Corpse to sleep over away from the cold, and effected Corpse to feel content. How could such a man exist?

Corpse bravely brushed his hand over Sykkuno's back, resisting the urge to give him a hug. He covered his face with the covers and grinned at how giddy he was feeling.

Tomorrow and the many tomorrows after that, he would gradually form a friendship with the other and the image of Corpse spending nights at Sykkuno's house, again and again, made him bury his face into the pillow.

He enjoyed this.

But at the back of his mind, lingering as it taunts him, the thought that every good thing someone has done for him was out of pity and that no one wanted to be in his presence. He was always labelled as intimidating, and sometimes that could come of use. But most of the time, people avoided him after taking a look at his mask. Almost everyone he met was afraid of him.

But not Sykkuno, surprisingly.

He wasn't afraid of Corpse.

✧ ✧ ✧

Corpse smelt something salty and could hear the distant sizzling. As Corpse opened his eyes, he stood up, drawn by the aroma.

Sykkuno was in the kitchen, frying some eggs and bacon. Bimbus was standing by his owner's feet, looking up pleadingly, as his eyes asked for a bite of the meat, even after eating his own dog food.

Sykkuno looked over, "Morning." he greeted.

"Uh, yeah. Morning."

Sykkuno slips the eggs onto a plate and then another. After laying out the bacon, he picked it up and handed a Corpse the food.

"Thanks," Corpse whispered.

"No problem," Sykkuno answered.

They munched on their breakfast in silence, peering into the outside through the window.

It was still snowing, but it was a softer fall than last night.

Corpse took his empty plate and Sykkuno's and placed them in the sink. He turned on the tap and squeezed out some dish soap before scrubbing them with a sponge.

"Oh, thanks!" Sykkuno consoled.

"So," he began.

"Yeah?" Corpse answered.

"Where are we going?"

"Right, uhm- it's this nice place outside. I go there sometimes to clear my mind and stuff."

Sykkuno hums, and Bimbus jumps up into his lap. "I'll bring Bimbus along too!"

✧ ✧ ✧

After the two of them put on their coats and boots, they walked through the door. Bimbus trotted alongside them.

The snow landed on their hair, covering it with snowflakes.

As they walked along the sidewalk, Sykkuno noticed Bimbus slightly sticking out his tongue. They had wrapped Bimbus with a jacket of his own, so he could roll around in the snow without getting too dirty.

Corpse lead Sykkuno on a half an hour walk, most of the time speaking about baking.

They reached the outskirts of the town, where a park was placed.

"A park?" Sykkuno wondered aloud. Corpse shook his head and gently hooked his hand on Sykkuno's chin.

"Not the park," he confirmed. Corpse moved Sykkuno's head to the left "beside the park." Where a tiny path was channelled into a forest.

"What's in the forest?" Sykkuno asked.

"A cool spot. Barely anyone goes there."

Sykkuno smiled and jogged over with Corpse.

Once they stepped onto the gravel path, Corpse pushed through the leaves. They came upon a hill, with trees letting their roots run wild all over the ground. "Thankfully, it isn't steep." Corpse sighed, "We just go over this and walk a little further."

Sykkuno watched as Corpse early walked up.

Bimbus stood by Sykkuno's side as they began to step forward.

✧ ✧ ✧

Sorry for the late update o-o

I'm really worried about school, like really scared

it's gonna suc

question timeeeeeeeeE: Hot chocolate with water, or with milk?

have a good morning, afternoon or night!


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