⟦ 5 ⟧

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The pair walked through the forest, with Corpse expertly walking with great stamina. Sykkuno struggled to keep up as he was never good with exercise, but he acted firmly to avoid embarrassing himself.

After walking for a few minutes, Corpse stops before a clearing from the trees and bushes.

He looks back to see Sykkuno panting softly and goes over to him.

"C'mon," he encouraged. "We're almost there."

Sykkuno nods and begins to walk beside the other.

Once they reach the end of their hike, Bimbus runs forward. The dog jumps in the large piles of snow and eyes the frozen water.

Sykkuno is charmed by the sight of a pond covered with a sheet of ice. Along the side of the water sat a bench placed on a concrete slab.

The wind howled wildly, the cold breeze causing Sykkuno to close his eyes in glee as he feels the cold against his face.

"It's better-looking in the spring." Corpse admits.

"It's nice," Sykkuno compliments. "I like it."

Corpse smiles, "I'm glad."

They watch Bimbus stomp over to them, leaving the imprints of his tiny feet in the snow.

Sykkuno sat down on the bench before Corpse did himself. "How did you find this place?" Sykkuno asks, turning his head to face the taller.

"It was on a jog with our P.E teacher." he explains, "We came through this way, and I strayed off."

"And then I found this place."

Sykkuno hums in response. "Did you ever bring anyone else here?" he mumbled.

Corpse tilted his head, "Uhm, no actually. You're the first person I've ever taken here with me."

The barista flushed and held his hands together, rubbing them to keep warm.

"Hey, Corpse?"


"Last night, you felt sorry about staying the night over, right?" he began. Corpse flinched as he turned his eyes to face the ground.

"I just wanted to let you know that you aren't bothering me." Sykkuno continued. "You don't need to feel dejected about wanting to keep away from the cold."

Sykkuno looked at Corpse's face, still pointed towards the ground. Corpse felt hot, despite the icy air.

Sykkuno stood up and ran over to Bimbus, grabbing a stick on the ground to play fetch. He threw it to the other side of the pond, to which Bimbus responded by running around to take the piece of wood into his mouth and proceeding to run another to bring it back to his owner.

Corpse happily watched as Sykkuno played with Bimubs. Surprisingly, Sykkuno decides to take off his jacket.

Corpse ran over, taking Sykkuno's coat in his hands and wrapping it back around the boy.

"Oh, don't worry, Corpse," he said. "I have a sweater,"

"But, you'll get cold."

"Yeah, that's true," Sykkuno confirms. "But for some reason, your body heat is really comforting."

Corpse clenches his fists until they turn white, his face doused with red.

"So," Sykkuno continues. "When I get cold, I can also just ran back to you!"

Corpse fiddles with his hands. Before bringing them up to his neck and unlooping Sykkuno's scarf around his neck. He takes him and gently wraps it around Sykkuno.

"I don't understand you. What's the point of taking your jacket off when you know you're going to get cold?" Corpse wonders.

Sykkuno stayed silent for a moment, contemplating his answer.

"I'll tell you another time when I figure it out myself." he chuckles.

Corpse sighs and makes Sykkuno promise to put on his jacket when he begins to feel chilly. But the best he managed to gain from the other was a "Maybe,"

Corpse joined Sykkuno and Bimbus and decided to create mini snowmen. During this snowman-making session, Corpse learned about Sykkuno that day. The brunet talked more than he did yesterday in just an hour. Although, there were moments where Sykkuno would cautiously try to look at Corpse's expression. When it looked like Sykkuno ran out of things to say, Corpse decided to start talking about himself as well to keep the conversation going.

They stood peacefully in the stood in snow, and a gust of wind came flying towards them. Sykkuno closed his eyes shut, and his nose scrunched. Corpse chuckled as the air blew the fringe of his hair away from his forehead.

But that's when he saw it.

Corpse looked at Sykkuno, the sunlight surrounding him. He looked ethereal, and Corpse revelled in it. He fought the desire to hug him there and then.

As he dropped his eyes, he noticed Sykkuno's shirt lifting ever so slightly due to the wind.

It revealed the image, a mess of white and black.

On the left side of his stomach is where it lay.

And it's where it lay on Corpse too.

Upon closer inspection (more staring), Corpse realized that it was identical.

Sykkuno's mark was the same as his.

Corpse panicked and stumbled backwards onto the ground, causing the worry of Sykkuno.

"Corpse?" he called out, "Need some help?" Sykkuno extended his hand forward. Corpse, however, stood up on his own.

"I'm fine," he said coldly. "Let's go back."


Sykkuno called Bimbus over, and they ran to stand beside Corpse as they walked back.

Corpse decided to walk faster, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with Sykkuno so close.

His thought process was messed up. Once the realization kicked in, the uncomfortable but somewhat happy feeling swelled inside him. Corpse didn't know what to do.

"Will telling him we're soulmates... ruin our relationship?" Corpse pondered.

Corpse had only known Sykkuno for a day or so. If he told Sykkuno about their bond, he feared the worst.

Sykkuno might be miserable that it was him.

Or just worn that he'd have to face the fact of being soulmates after just meeting Corpse.

Corpse didn't know, but he didn't feel rested with the idea of telling Sykkuno at the moment. It should be during a time where they've known each other for a little longer.

Corpse imagined someone telling him, "Hey, we're soulmates." and he couldn't keep but feel creeped out. However, that's Corpse's point of view. He didn't know about Sykkuno.

But what he did know was that he would keep this to himself for a while.

Even though the strong urge to tell Sykkuno bothered him.

✧ ✧ ✧


note feeling super great about this chapter 

but i need to remind myself that the standard for wattpad fics aren't rick riordan level 😭

question: any creative meals you can make?

have a good morning, afternoon or night!


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