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Corpse and Sykkuno hung out as usual for the next month.

Although, Sykkuno noticed a behaviour change in the other.

Corpse zoned out and forgot to answer some of Sykkuno's questions constantly.

Sykkuno worried at Corpse's distance, but it's dismissed with an, "I'm okay, just tired."

It's all Sykkuno could think about during his shift. His mind was distracted and caused some customers to complain about his attitude or the quality of their drinks.

Meanwhile, Fundy and 5up walked along the pavement, turning the corner to meet with the tea shop. They joked with each other as they walked in, hearing the sound of the familiar bell.

They stomped off the snow from their muddy boots onto the rug below and hung up their jackets on one of the coat hangers.

"Morning," Sykkuno softly called out to them.

The couple walked over and noticed the barista's troubled expression.

"Hey Sykkunie, what's the issue?" 5up asked.

Sykkuno tapped the register and looked down, "Just some friend issues."

"Friend issue's you say..." Fundy begins, "Is that code for boyfriend issues?"

5up gasped dramatically.

"No, no. I can tell you guys later. I need some distraction right now." Sykkuno explains.

The couple orders their usual green tea, and Sykkuno sits down at a table with them while they drink.

The crackling from the fireplace and the sweet aroma calmed Sykkuno's nerves as he began to speak.

"You remember Corpse?" he began.

"Yeah, the guy with the super-deep voice," 5up says, taking a sip of his tea.

"Well, he took me-"

"On a date?!" Fundy interrupted.

"It wasn't a date." Sykkuno flushed. "We just hung out,"

5up chuckled, "Okay then, continue."

"We went into the woods, and he showed me this nice place, with a small pond. Everything seemed to be going well. We were having fun with Bimbus. But then he abruptly decided to leave. He acted coldly, and I don't know what I did wrong."

Fundy and 5up hummed in unison.

"And you've tried talking to him?" Fundy asked.

"Yeah, I mean- I was a little vague."

5up sighed and put his cup down. "Let me tell you this, me and Fundy have broken up three times. Each time it was due to a lack of communication. I know you two are only friends, but miscommunication applies to platonic relationships too."

Fundy nods, "Yup, you need to confront him head-on. Otherwise, you'll be left in the dark."

"But, it's a little scary."

"Yeah, in the beginning, but believe us, it'll help."

Sykkuno nods, "Have you guy's really broken up three times?"

"Mhm, each time I've won him back," Fundy smirks.

✧ ✧ ✧

Sykkuno lay in bed, holding his phone. His finger was hovering over the 'call' button for Corpse's number.

He knew Corpse didn't have many people to talk to, so he deemed himself as one. If the other was facing a difficult time, Sykkuno desires to support him. Especially because he knows what it's like to be alone.

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