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The bell suddenly rang and immediately you packed your bags and headed out.

"Hey, wait for me!" Jihoon yelled.

"No can do couz, Hyunjin is waiting for me outside the gate~!" Y/n told him. Suddenly Jihoon stopped walking after realizing something.

"Oh right. Today is your date with him." You turn around with a bright smile on your face, seeing him a bit disgusted.

"Oh stop with that expression. You'll understand how I feel once you've found that special someone." You said.

"Who knows." Jihoon shrugged.

"You guys go ahead~! I'll see you at home~!"

"Hope your date doesn't go well~!" He sang.

"Oh shut up!" You said, He chuckled then headed in the opposite direction you went.

Once you got out of the school campus, you immediately saw Hyunjin listening to some music as he waited for you. He was so handsome that he caught the attention of the students passing by, whether man or woman. You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey~!" Y/n greeted him. He smiled brightly once he noticed it was you.

"Hey babe!" He greeted me as he took off his headphones, then gave you a quick hug.

"Let's go?"

"Yeah!" You nodded. Without wasting any second, you both head to a cafe a bit near your home. 

"Babe, are you available this Sunday?" Hyunjin asked you.

"Hmm... I'm not sure, Why?"

"My mom actually wanted to meet and have dinner with you..." He said.


"But if you're busy this Sunday then I can just tell her that."

"No, it's fine! I have nothing to do this Sunday!" You said.

"Oh alright!" Hyunjin sighed in relief as he opened the door of the cafe for the both of you to enter.


Jihoon sat beside Seungkwan in the pizza restaurant with his other cousins who were waiting for him.

"Here hyung, we ordered some iced Americano for everyone." Mingyu told him.

"Thanks." The boy thanked him as he sat down.

"Wait, where's Y/n noona?" Hansol asked him.

"She's on a date with Hyunjin." Jihoon answered.

"Oh, Y/n too?" Wonwoo asked.

"What do you mean?" Jihoon asked as his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Soonyoung is also on a date with Rika today." Seokmin explained.

"Damn... I guess we're the only ones who are single and free." Minghao chuckled.

"Don't even mention being single. I feel lonely all of a sudden." Mingyu said as he pouted.

"Then why not get a girlfriend? I bet there's thousands of women out there who would love to volunteer." Jihoon said as he fed himself some fries.

"You're acting like girls aren't into you hyung." Seokmin said to his brother.

"Yeah! You received hundreds of chocolates on valentines day back then, and me, none!" Seungkwan nagged. Hansol's eyebrows flinched in surprise and confusion with what Boo said.

LIVING WITH 13 BOYS : A SEVENTEEN FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now