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The cousins were at the hospital, waiting for their turn to have their flu shots. They usually get their shots once a year to keep them healthy and safe. But some just didn't like the idea of sticking a needle inside their body, they were frightened about that. Uncle came out of the room looking all happy after he was finished with his shot.

"Honey, it's your turn!" He called out.

"Wish me luck boys!" Auntie said as she headed inside while uncle sat in front of them. The boys and Y/n were out waiting for their turn, some were nervous and some were just wishing they could get this over with.

"Stay calm, it's just a flu shot, stay calm, it's just a flu shot." Seokmin repeated over and over, just to calm his-self down a bit, but it did not help at all.

"Can you shut up, you're making my anxiety worsen!" Seungkwan nagged.

"I can't help it! Needles frighten me!" Seokmin yelled.

"At least you still have time to wait, I only have a few seconds until it's my turn!" Seungcheol said as his legs shook up and down nervously.

"Oh come on guys, it doesn't even hurt." Y/n said.

"Easy for you to say, those arm fats help you to not feel the pain!" Seungkwan argued.

"Yah!" Y/n yelled.

"Damn, Seungkwan here being Jihoon number 2." Soonyoung chuckled. Just then Auntie got out of the room, finished with her flu shot. Seungcheol looks up at her in horror, realizing it's his turn.

"Seungcheol~, it's your turn!" Auntie happily called out.

"C-coming..." Seungcheol replied nervously. Jeonghan, who was beside him, patted his back as he wished him good luck. Seungcheol took a deep breath and huffed all his nervous feeling out, stood up and reluctantly walked inside the room. A few seconds later as the boys were staying silent, they heard Seungcheol scream in pain.

"AAAAAAAAAAAA" Everyone else had their eyes wide open, staring at the door of the room he went to.

"Oh boy..." Seungkwan huffed nervously.


After the boys struggle to get their shots individually, they head to the mall to buy some food and a new grill for a party they'll be doing next Sunday. It's no one's birthday and they ain't celebrating a holiday. Next Sunday is Auntie and Uncle Lee's last day of break until they will be flying to different countries to continue their work. Both of them are very popular celebrities, so they had to keep working to give their fans some content and earn more money for their family. They split the cousins into 2 groups, Auntie's group which will be handling the foods, and Uncle's group which will handle the grill and other utensils.

In the Aunties group we have Mingyu, Minghao, Jihoon, Hansol, Seungkwan, Seokmin and Soonyoung. And in the Uncles group we have Y/n, Jun, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Seungcheol, Joshua, Chan.


Auntie turned around once she got a trolly cart, all excited.

"Okay, since this might be the last day I get to shop with you guys this year, you can get anything you like!" She told them. All looked surprised as they looked at each other still not believing what they just heard.

"Mom... are you sure?" Jihoon asked.

"Yeah! Put anything you like in this trolly cart."

"But Auntie, you know we're pigs who eat a lot." Seungkwan said.

LIVING WITH 13 BOYS : A SEVENTEEN FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now