Chapter One

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Blood... War... and Death was all that was seen as far as the eye could see. The reason? A war between three different factions. There are Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils. But the humans were caught in the crossfire, and many of them died. When they finally had enough of seeing death, they gathered every mage they could. When they had gathered together they used a spell that every Devil, Angel and Fallen Angel was forbidden from using: DIMENSION WARPING. They were able to bring to their world six people from different places and timelines.

The first to apper was a man wearing a jacket with his hood up, but he felf off.... like he wasn't really alive. This was Alex Mercer a doctor that worked on a virus. And infected himself with it.

The next to apper was a woman in jester like clothings who seemed ready to kill, like it was her job.... This was Cirera a member of a old and forgotten order of assassins called The Darkbrother Hood.

Then came another woman with multi colored hair but the was mute... This was Neo a girl that was refined in Illusion magic like no other.

After that it seemed as if everything had stopped, when someone shot out of the portal. When they finally landed the first thing that was noticed was their gender was male. He had a demonic right arm and burnt wings. He had a purple jacket with the right sleeve torn off. This was Johhny Gat a man that had defeated Lucifer himself in his world.

Then a woman with crimson red eyes steped out of the portal. She wore a green sweater with yellow stips. This was Chara, a human that had lived with monsters in her world but died and became a demon.

Then it seemed that the portal started to close when red electicity shot out of the closeing portal opening it back up. Then a man walked out covered in this red energy. He looked at everyone then he breathed in deeply and said

???: Wer zum Teufel seid ihr Leute?

Mage 1: Ummm.... what sir?

Alex: He's speaking german, though I can't translate for you.

Then the man cleared his throut.

???: I vill ask again vho are you people?

Mage 1: Well sir We are in the middle of a war between three factions. And so many humans have died already, so I ask all of you. Will you help us?

The six of them glanced at each other, and nod agreeing to help.

Chara: Fine we'll help you with this problem.

Cicera: Well we don't know each other, so how about we all get to know each other first. I'm Cicera so very nice to meet you all.

Alex: Name's Alex Mercer.

Chara: *sigh* Chara.

Johnny: Yo, name's Johnny Gat. The baddest motherfucker around.

Neo: (When she "speaks" she's either writing it down or sighing it) I'm Neo.

Johnny: Ummmm........ What?

???: She used sign language vollidiot! You said your name is Neo correct?

Neo smiles and nodes her head yes.

???: Well I'm the last one to introduce themselfs hmm.

Y/n: Y/n L/n.

With them knowing the others they set out to right the wrong. But one day everything changed for them.

                                                                               FIVE MONTHS AFTER ARIVAL                                                                          

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