Chapter 20: Lucidity

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It was here, at the table with the commander and Miss Amagi, where Unicorn couldn't help but think she finally felt like a grown-up. She didn't feel any pressing need to eat all the sweets within easy reach and then excuse herself and leave for the comfort of her room. The conversations that Illustrious and everyone else had bored her to no end. Talking about what other people said, talking about what other people did — politics — she couldn't help but retire into her books.

But here, sitting in close proximity with only two other people, sipping decaffeinated green tea just like everyone else — she felt at ease. It was a silly thing to think of, and wildly inappropriate, but she couldn't help but feel a little proud of herself.

The commander looked a lot better now. Outside, he was pale and swaying on feet, unable to keep his balance. Maybe it was the food that gave him that little bit of vitality, but she hoped that it was Amagi and her collective company. Right now, he was gazing into the bottom of his ceramic cup, seeing the dregs float around.

"More tea?" Amagi offered.

He nodded and she poured him another. Unicorn still had a little bit of trouble sipping at the steaming liquid, scalding her tongue all the way to the back of her mouth. Maybe it was an adult thing to be able to drink tea. So she sipped and sipped until her tongue was numb.

Unlike the usual tea parties she was accustomed to, everyone was content with taking their time doing and saying nothing. But the teapot ran out, and the cups went empty and chilled. Unicorn was waiting for the commander to speak, and she suspected Amagi was waiting for the same thing.

It didn't take very long at all. He tapped his fingers against the side of his cup, and asked, "Do you mind if I say something stupid?" After the brief pause with no dissent, he added, "I wish that everything would stay like this for a very long time."

Unicorn felt the same way.

"It has been nice," Amagi said. "But it is getting rather late."

"I guess so," he replied, but nobody got up to leave.

After a pause, Amagi said, "If you want, we could meet here every evening. I'd be happy to find more excuses to cook. All three of us could meet here at six, if you'd like."

"I'd like that."

"Is that alright with you too, Unicorn?" Amagi asked.

Unicorn nodded.

The table fell into silence once again. It was difficult to carry on a conversation when everyone there was socially anxious or people of few words, Unicorn noted absently.

She said, "I should go, my big sister is probably wondering where I am."

"You didn't say where you were going?" Amagi asked.

"She doesn't mind all that much where I go," she said quietly, "but she usually just wants me back home by eight. She is okay with everything otherwise."

Amagi clapped her hands. "Then it's settled. Can you walk Unicorn back home?" she asked the commander. "I need some time to do the dishes."

He looked unsure. "You don't have anything that we can do to help? I feel like I've done nothing this entire time."

"Your company and promise to come back is good enough," she said, smiling. "Now get out of here before you kill Miss Illustrious from worry."

Amagi also insisted on walking them to the door to see them out. Both the commander and Unicorn waved back at the tiny figure of Amagi as she waved them from the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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