Ch.1 Journey begins

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~Y/n pov~

My eyes widened as I noticed a massive whirlpool.

"So cool." Luffy grinned.

"It may be cool but it's going to sink our tiny ship." I told him.

His smile dropped, "Oh right."

Luffy looked around for a few seconds before pulling the lid of a barrel.

"Okay get in." He told me.

Is he planning to escape in the barrel? Will it float with our weight in?

I stepped into the barrel. I'll take my chances.

Luffy climbed in after me, stretching his arms to reach for the lid and place it on top, sealing the barrel.

It was dark. There was barely any room.

Luffy shuffled in my lap and then rested his head on my shoulder, nuzzling his face into it.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and after a few minutes I noticed he had fallen asleep.

Well, we have no idea how long we'll be in here.

I rested my head on Luffy's and succumbed to sleep myself.


I woke up hearing voices. Why was it dark?

I tried to move and then realised Luffy was sleeping on me.

Oh yeah, I'm in a barrel.

I listened to the voices.

"We'll lighten it for you." One of the voices said.

"I was feeling thirsty too." Another added.

"You can't! Alvida aill kill us if she finds out!" Another voice protested.

Did they think the barrel was full of alcohol?

"Then you just need to keep yer mouth shut!" Another voice spoke, "Right, Coby?"

"Yes! You're right." The boy, who I am assuming was named Coby, replied.

I felt the barrel be lifted upright.

Oh, thank God. I was starting to feel a bit sick.

"Hold yer horses! I'll bust it right open!" I heard someone cracking their knuckles as they said this.

Luffy chose this moment to wake up.

He jumped up, punching the man in the face.

"I slept great!" He yelled, not realising he had just punched someone in the face, "Huh?"

Luffy looked at the unconscious man before looking at the other two, "Who are you guys?"

"No, who are you!?" They both exclaimed.

Luffy climbed out of the barrel, "That guy's going to catch a cold sleeping like that."

"You did that!"

I quickly stood and climbed out of the barrel, dusting off my clothes.

One of the men pointed their swords at Luffy, "Are you toyin' with us even when you know we're pirates?!"

At least we didn't end up on a marine ship. That would've been way worse.

They then turned their attention to me, "And who the hell are you?"

"Man, I'm hungry. You got any food?" Luffy asked the short boy with pink hair.

He cowered in fear.

Pirates | Luffy x reader x Zoro Where stories live. Discover now