~Y/n pov~
"Hey guys! Look outside the ship." Luffy grinned.
I pulled myself up and peered over the railings.
An ocean of clouds? It looked so fluffy.
"How are we staying on them?" Nami exclaimed, fear evident in her facial expression.
"Of course you can stay on them! They're clouds." Luffy stated.
Usopp suddenly jumped up and stared at the clouds in shock.
"Is this an ocean in the sky?" Nami asked herself.
"Ocean in the sky?" Usopp repeated.
"But look! The Log Pose is still pointing upwards!" Nami complained to me and Robin.
"We're in a middle section of the cumuloregalis clouds." Robin stated.
"How do you think we get higher?" I asked curiously.
"I don't know."
There was a sudden splash.
I looked in the direction of the sound and realised that Usopp had jumped into the ocean.
Isn't that dangerous?
We all peered into the water and waited for him to come back up.
Nothings happening.
"Do you think he drowned?" I asked.
"I was just wondering... Do you think this ocean has a bottom?" Robin brought up.
"Did that bastard fall from the clouds?" Zoro yelled.
"Usopp!" Luffy stretched his arm in after Usopp as his body slumped weakly against mine.
"Stretch your arm as far as you can." Robin told him.
"But I can't see."
"Leave it to me."
Usopp came up but some sea creatures followed him.
I sighed at all the chaos that was caused.
We finally made it to the sky island.
There was a gate that read 'heaven's gate.'
But heaven isn't real... right?
"Heaven's gate? That's unlucky! Sounds like we're on our way to die!" Usopp started panicking to himself.
"Maybe we are already dead." Zoro stated.
"That would explain this weird world." Sanji added.
"I'm pretty sure none of us are going to heaven, even if it did exist." I commented as the idiots all got excited.
"Look there! Someone's coming out." Usopp pointed to inside the gate.
There were lots of doors and someone was walking through the door nearest to us.
"She has wings on her back!" Chopper exclaimed once he saw her.
"Is that what angels are like?! She's like a pickled plum." Luffy stated bluntly.
"Umm..." Nami was about to talk but the woman cut her off.
"I am Amazon, the Heaven's Gate Inspector. Sightseeing? Or perhaps war?"
"I guess it's kind of like sightseeing.." Nami responded nervously.
"We wanna go to the sky islands! They're past this gate, right?" Luffy smiled eagerly.

Pirates | Luffy x reader x Zoro
FanfictionY/n joins Luffy's crew. She has devil fruit powers. Who will she become close to? What happens when she falls in love with more than one person? Will they fight or will they share?