Chapter One: Hannibal rehearsals

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Onstage, Wanda Maximoff is rehearsing for her performance in Hannibal. She has the looks, but she isn't a great actress or opera singer. Some people don't even notice, really. She's a Diva and the Prima Donna. Besides, everyone thinks the singing is because of her Sakovian accent. Her brother, and co-star usually, Petro has the same accent. They're twins. But, neither of them have natural talent aside from their powers. Not that they show that.

From the side of the stage, a man with raven hair, pale skin that has been tanned with makeup appears in only a skirt to fit the style of the Opera. This is Loki Laufeyson. A ballet boy. He's been at the opera since he was a child. Natasha took him in when his father died. She taught him ballet and how to sing well enough for the chorus. But his singing has really improved in recent years. Before his father died, he told Loki that, when he was in heaven, he'd send down The Angel of Music to watch over him and teach him music.

And he wasn't wrong. An angel has been teaching him. Or so Loki thought. He's never met this Angel of Music. He's only ever heard her voice when he sleeps or sings songs in his head. But, no one has noticed his talents yet due to being in the chorus. The Angel of Music always assured him that he will be on stage one day, he just had to be patent. And he has been for a long time now. Yet he's still dancing and singing with the chorus. Like in Hannibal.

Yes, his part is bigger than usual but it's not really important. He's just there shirtless with a whip. But, beggars can't be choosers, as Loki has learned. Rehearsals ended for that scene and the choreographer told them to do it again as there were a lot of mishaps. Meanwhile, the manager, Mobius, was showing two men around.

"Rehearsals, as you see, are underway for a new production of Chalumeau's Hannibal," Mobius told the two men, "Ladies and gentlemen..." he cleared his throat, "Ladies and gentlemen, please... Ladies and... Madame Romanoff."

Natasha bangs her staff on the ground gaining everyone's attention.

"Thank you. May I have your attention, please? As you know, for some weeks there have been rumors about my imminent retirement. I can now tell you, these were all true, and it is now my pleasure to introduce you to the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire, Monsieur Wong, and Monsieur Stephen Strange."

Everyone clapped for the two new managers. Petro went to Mobius to tell him to introduce his sister.

"Gentlemen, Miss Wanda Maximoff, our leading soprano for nineteen seasons now," Mobius introduced

"Of course, of course, I have experienced all your greatest roles, Miss," Stephen said smiling and kissing the back of her hand.

"And Mr. Petro Maximoff," Mobius added.

"An honor, Sir," Wong said.

"If I remember rightly, Elissa has a rather fine aria in Act Three of Hannibal. I wonder, Miss, if, as a personal favour, you would oblige us with a private rendition?" Stephen asked smiling, "Unless, of course, Monsieur Reyer objects..."

"No, my manager commands! Monsieur Reyer!" Wanda said.

"My diva commands," Reyer said not wanting to argue, "Would two bars be sufficient introduction?"

"Two bars will be quite sufficient," Wong said mocking him.

Wanda took a scarf for the scene and vocalized a little before waiting for the music. It started and she started singing. Still not very well but they all thought it was great. But she was hardly halfway through the song when the backdrop fell. Another ballet boy, Bucky, exclaimed that it was the Phantom of the Opera. A ghost that haunts the Opera Populair. No one has seen the Opera ghost except for Natasha and Obadiah Stane, a stagehand. But he always tells lies about the Opera Ghost to spread rumors. Yet, everyone still believes him.

"Obadiah! Where is Obadiah? Get that man down here! Obadiah, chief of the flies. He's responsible for this," Mobius explained as Obadiah arrived with a cut rope, "Obadiah! For God's sake, man, what's going on up there?"

'Please, monsieur, don't look at me. As God's my witness, I was not at my post. Please, monsieur, there's no one there: and if there is, well then, it must be a ghost!' Obadiah told them.

That made everyone freak out. The Phantom loves to give the Opera trouble with her mutable notes, demands, and pay. Yes, they pay her every month a large amount of money. Natasha will explain.

"Good heavens! I have never known such insolence," Wong said

"Miss, please!" Stephen scoffed, "These things do happen."

"'These things do happen'?" Wanda asked while Stephen helped her up.

Wanda chuckled, annoyed, "You have been here five minutes! What do you know? Da, these things do happen, all the time! For the past three years, these things do happen. And did you stop them happening? No!" Wanda said to Mobius before turning back to Stephen, "And you... You're as bad as him. 'These things do happen.' Well, until you stop these things happening, this thing does not happen!"

Wanda cried and told Petro to follow her. He did after calling the new managers amateurs.

"I don't think there's much more I can do to assist you, gentlemen. Good luck. If you need me, I shall be in Frankfurt," Mobius said leaving.

"But, monsieur..." Stephen tried to stop him but he was already gone, "Miss Wanda will be back."

"You think so, monsieur?" Natasha asked.


"I have a message, sir, from the Opera Ghost."

"Oh, God in heaven, you're all obsessed!" Wong said.

"She merely welcomes you to her opera house," Natasha said as Wong groaned, "Commands that you continue to leave Box Five empty for her use, and reminds you that her salary is due."

The two men laughed.

"Her salary?" Wong asked laughing.

"Monsieur Mobius paid her 20,000 francs a month," That made them go quiet, "Perhaps you could afford more, with Miss Lushton as your patron."

"Madame, I had hoped to have made that announcement myself," Stephen said.

"Will Miss Lushton be at the performance this evening, monsieur?"

"In our box," Wong said.

"Madame, who is the understudy for the role?" Stephen asked referring to Wanda's understudy which she doesn't have.

"There is no understudy, monsieur. The production is new," Reyer said.

"Loki Laufeyson could sing it, sir," Bucky said pulling him forward.

"A ballet boy?" Wong asked

"Well, he's been taking lessons from a great teacher."

"Oh, from whom?" Stephen asked

"I don't know, sir," Loki said timidly

"Oh, not you as well," Wong turned to Stephen, "Can you believe it? A full house and we have to cancel!"

"Laufeyson?" Stephen asked Loki forward, "That's a curious name. Any relation to the violinist and Jotun King?

"My father, sir," Loki said

"Let him sing for you, monsieur. He has been well taught," Natasha said

"Very well," Stephen said.

Reyer decided to start from the aria Wanda was singing. It's typically a female role but, should they ever be short of female actresses, a man can fill in. Petro has an understudy but not Wanda so Loki will have to do. He was given the scarf and waited for the music.

'Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye,' Loki tried to leave because he was nervous but Natasha stopped him, 'Remember me every so often. Promise me you'll try.'

"Strange, this doing nothing for my nerves," Wong said.

"Don't threat, Wong," Stephen said.

'On that day, that not so distant day when you are far away and free. If you ever find a moment spare a thought for me!'

They had found Wanda's replacement! So, a new costume was made for him and it was time for his big debut!

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