「 Chapter 4 | I'll Stay 」

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You have collected all the papers that Namjoon threw at the wall, you have red some of it. It was all a rap about a girl that left him. Maybe she was too naive to leave Namjoon, Namjoon was cold, yeah but it in way, you knew he would come out a soft and kind person.

You have understood the feeling of being left behind, your father left you and your mother, then your mother had killed herself. Which left you all alone, innocently. Your rich aunt took you in, brought you here. Cavendish Harpe University, you found it too big for you. You then sat down at the ground, the wall supporting your spine. The crumpled paper were scattered around you, Namjoon threw more and more in a minute or more. You then looked around, difficult in seeing because of the dim light. Namjoon's lantern only lit up everything, you partially saw anything on this room, " Hey, " You said, " What now, Can you just dakchyeo ( Shut up ) for a moment?  " He snapped back without even looking at you, " Aniyo but anyway, Why do you even hang around here? The broken things here are dusty, the armchairs, the tables. Everything. " You said, " Why? Because I'm part of this broken things, I'm like that armchair, that table. Everything. I'm just like them, i'm broken. " He said while looking at you but his voice started rising and almost became a scream, " Look, I'm just saying my opinion. But you aren't broken, if you are. Then I'll Fix You. " You said while looking at the crumpled papers and straightening it to read it. That was it. The words broke Kim Namjoon's wall. It was like an emotional bullet that broke his facade. 

His eyes started to blur his vision because of tears welling up, few teardrops fell at his rap. Blurring the writings, you started to notice. You then stood up, running to him then you sat beside him, " Hey, " You said, " Look at me, " you said softly, you then moved your hands under his chin then made him face you. He moved to look at you then you pulled him to hug you, he started to have hiccups at your shoulder as he sniffled a bit then wiped his eyes, " Hey, hey. Don't cry now, I could stay for you. I'll stay for you, I'll fix you. I'll heal every cuts and scars she made, even if scars doesn't heal but I'll try. I'll patch up every thing she did, i'll make you forget her. " You said, " Maybe she was too afraid to love you, maybe she left you for your sake. Maybe she didn't want to hurt you but she did, she did hurt you. She'll regret doing it, she would hurt to see you doing this to yourself, so please. Don't cry, stop crying. I'm here, I'll stay. " You linked while pulling him into an hug, he wrap his arms around your waist while he hid his face at your shoulder. You broke Kim Namjoon with just words. He was embarrassed of crying in front of you, but every word you said touched him. It made him forget her and remember that you were always here for him, even if he pushed you away, even if you just met him a while ago this morning. It didn't matter. To him, it felt like you were there for him from the beginning. 

He then stopped crying then he looked at you while breaking the hug, " Are you alright now, oppa? " You asked, " Ne, I'm gwenchana now. " He said, you then stared at his swollen eyes then you wiped a few tears, " I'm here for you, gwenchana? I'm always here for you, you can cry on my shoulder every time, oppa. " you said, he smiled then you smiled back but you didn't notice that he was leaning in on you. Your lips touched softly, he had his eyes closed. You had your eyes wide open for a moment but then you closed your eyes as well, wrapping your arms around his neck then kissing him back gently. It was a soft kiss, but it was full of passion and emotion while he moved his hand to hold your cheek. 

After the kiss, you still had your arms around his neck then he removed his hand then moved it to wrap his arms around you. The both of you connected your foreheads together, looking at each other. " Jwehsonghamnida, jagi. " He said, " ahhh, Arraso, oppa. " You said with a smile, " Waegeurae? ( Why are you being like this? ) " He said, " Why didn't you give up on my stubbornness? " he linked, " because I know people have another side, there just too afraid to show it. They just like wearing a mask that they don't want to wear, " You said, he nodded then let you go to sit down, " Oppa, can I borrow this lantern for a moment? " You asked, he nodded then you grabbed the lantern swiftly. Walking around the classroom to see a white piano, " Oppa! Come and look! " You said, he sighed then stood up, " What is it, Jagi? " He said then his eyes got wide open too see a white piano full of dust, " Oppa~ I know how to use a piano, Can you help me push it? Maybe I can help you make a rap! " you said excitedly, he nodded then started to push the piano infront of the table and chair he sat on a while ago. He then panted for a moment, licking his lips, " Ahh, Kamsahamnida, oppa! " You said before hugging him, he then sat back down while you dusted away the dust at the white clean piano. It was a grand piano, your parents used to play with one back then while you played a violin. They used to teach you back then before your father left you and your mother, you learned how to play the violin and piano fast. You sat down, moving the sleeves of your uniform up, " oppa, maybe we can make a song together! " You said, he looked at you for a moment, " Mwo? " he said, " we should make a song together! " you said with a cheeky smile, he just shrugged then you started to play random tunes, not knowing what to play. So you just play random tunes, while you played like an professional and your eyes closed. Namjoon admired you, he stopped writing and just looked at you. He admired how much of an expert you were, he just admired you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2015 ⏰

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