Chapter 11

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-Ukyo POV-

I heard someone approaching, and I shot an arrow right in front of his feet.
"Wait, Tsukasa! It's me!" shouted the voice, it was Gen.
He went into the cave, to give his report.

"Tsukasa! I found a primitive village" he said. "I got in a fight with them and ended up just slightly injured. And Senku was gone without a trace. He's dead, without a doubt. His sister showed me his grave"

'His sister?'
"You found her" said Tsukasa. "Did she say anything?"
"That girl really has a foul mouth" said Gen. "She told me, if you ever approach her again... she'll take the spear you used to kill her brother and shove it where the sun doesn't shine"

Tsukasa smiled and laughed.
'She sounds a lot like... Arisa... no... if it was her... they would've told me... Ari, I promise... I won't stop looking for you... I will find you, I swear'

-Arisa POV-

"Your strike is too shallow!" scolded Kohaku Kinro. "One of us must win the Grand Bout so that we can give Ruri the cure-all medicine!"
We continued training, I was getting used to the knives, but I preferred my bow and arrows.

Suddenly I saw Senku take off the watermelon on Suika's head.
"Wait, Senku!" shouted Kohaku and ran to them. "Suika doesn't want her face to be seen!"
"Take a good look" said Senku and we looked at Suika, who was super cute!

"Wow, Suika! You're perfectly adorable!" said Kohaku.
Suddenly Suika's face changed, like that of an old lady who can't read what's in front of her.
"What the hell?!" shouted Chrome and Kohaku at the same time.

"I have the fuzzy sickness in my eyes" said Suika. "Everything looks fuzzy to me, so I end up looking like this when I try really hard to see, and it's embarrassing. But with this mask, for some reason, it's a little easier to see!"

"Yeah, that's the pinhole effect" said Senku. "If you look at an object through a small hole, the light passing through it narrows, bringing it into focus"
"What does glass have to do with Suika's fuzzy sickness?" asked Chrome.
"It has ten billion percent to do with it!" said Senku.

"Wait, glass?" I asked. "You're gonna make glasses?"
"Yep" said Senku. "Listen up, Suika. You're near-sighted as hell. That's not a disease. It's not even a defect. In a technological civilization, it doesn't even bother anyone. We have eyes of science, made from glass. They're called glasses, and they solve everything"

"Science users can make eyes?" asked Suika. "That's so amazing"
"Yeah" said Senku.
"If I could, I'd love to see the beauty of the world too" said Suika. "Even if it's just once. I want to meet you guys without the fuzziness. I want to meet the real you, just once"

"All right" said Chrome. "Let's make this glass stuff!"
"Yeah! What do we need to gather, Senku?" asked Kohaku.


We walked to a mountain...
"Glass is made mostly from quartz sand. I didn't see any in the Chrome Collection actually" said Senku.
"I'm not going to collect sand" said Chrome.

"I did see a hint that'll lead us to quartz sand, though" said Senku.
"This was the place. This is where I found this translucent rock as a kid" said Chrome.

"That little tidbit is worth a ton" said Senku. "That translucent rock, that crystal, tends to be found in areas of decayed granite, like this place. And all this sand here is the raw material for glass: quartz-sand"
We hit the walls with our hammers, and the white sand poured out of it.


When we had enough, we went back to the shed.
"We grind down all the quartz sand into fine grains" said Senku. "Then we mix it with a bunch of other stuff and melt it in the stove"

After a while, we finally made glass.
"It's shiny and see-through, like ice!" said Suika.
"It's like a gem" said Kohaku.

"That's a weird-looking tool" said Suika and pointed at the glasscutter Senku had made.
"We'd die if we tried to polish glass by hand" said Senku.

While Senku made the glasses for Suika, I was training with Kinro, Ginro and Kohaku.
Senku had put the glasses into Suika's watermelon.

"Again, why is your final strike so shallow?" asked Kohaku to Kinro, when she kicked his ass again. "It's your worst habit, Kinro. Distance is crucial in spear fighting. If you can't get a good sense of distance, you'll never defeat Magma"

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