Chapter 13

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Kawa was extremely nervous, he was back in Japan for Bokuto and Akaashi's wedding and had agreed to meet Iwa in the hotel bar. They had just a month before started to move on from just texting to the odd phone call and things had been going well. They didn't discuss their personal lives just random conversation. Kawa had been trying outfits on for the last hour and eventually settled for something that he had already tried on twice and had previously removed.

He looked in the mirror holding onto the sink below it, his breathing was very fast and he felt sick so he knew that he needed to try and calm himself. He remembered the breathing exercises that Iwa had taught him, he began to breathe in for three, hold for three and then exhale for three. His phone buzzed and got his attention, he picked it up and saw a message from Iwa, 'I'm here and I can't wait to see you. Kawa replied, 'I'm on my way.

Iwa sat at the bar waiting for the love of his life to arrive, he was nervous, it had been 9 months since he last saw him and that didn't go well but they had been talking since so Iwa let himself hope that one day he would win him back.

Kawa could see Iwa sat at the bar, he looked amazing. The boy instantly felt the butterflies in his stomach. Just then Iwa turned and gave Kawa a dazzling smile, his heart felt like it was beating out of his chest and he could feel his face flushing. Just then the shorter male got up from his chair and walked towards his friend.

Iwa felt his heart do somersaults when he saw the brown haired boy and when Kawa smiled back at him he literally stopped breathing for a few seconds. As he got nearer Iwa asked softly, "can I hug you?". "Ooo okay" Kawa stuttered back. They embraced each other tightly and stood like that just taking in each others warmth for a few minutes. They eventually stepped back and found a table in a quiet corner.

Both boys were struggling with their feelings but Kawa knew he was doing the right thing by holding back as he still had the real, intense fear that he would be left heartbroken again and he wasn't willing to go through that amount of pain for a second time but he also knew that he would never love anyone as much as he loved, no loves Iwa. The spikey haired boy knew that he didn't want anyone else so he was willing to wait however long it took.

"What's been going on with you Kawa?" Iwa asked attempting to cut through the atmosphere that was currently between them. It wasn't awkward it was just a way for Iwa to try and keep his feelings in check.

"The president of the Argentinian national team came to see me after practice last week and has asked if I would like to train with them but I would have to wait for my dual citizenship to come through before I could do that"

"Wow, Kawa that's amazing. All of our old team will be so proud of you when they find out". Oikawa looked at his friend and asked, shakily, "Are you proud of me Iwa?" The boy smiled gently and replied, "I've always been proud of you. You never failed to amaze me even when we were in elementary school. You worked so hard for this chance, so embrace it and always know that I'll be there for you, no matter what".

Kawa could feel his face flush and tears begin to run down his face. Iwa looked horrified, "hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he said whilst pulling the boy into a hug. "That's all I ever wanted Iwa, for you to be proud of me" the brown haired boy whispered. Iwa cupped the boys cheeks and wiped away the tears with his thumbs. "I always said that you were the best setter in Japan maybe even the world" he said placing a small kiss on the end of his friends nose. "I think it may be time to retire for the evening, after all we have a wedding to attend tomorrow."

Kawa looked lovingly at the boy and replied, "I agree and thank you so much for tonight Hajime. I'll see you at the service tomorrow". As Kawa walked away Iwa shouted, "can I pick you up from your room tomorrow so that we can go together". "Yes I'd like that"Kawa replied smiling shyly.

As the two boys went to their separate rooms Iwa realised something 'OMG he called me Hajime. Yes" he shouted whilst punching the air. Maybe there is a chance.

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