Chapter 25

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The boys arrived at a beautiful restaurant and as they walked inside Kawa gasped, "Iwa chan, it's so pretty." Iwa chuckled, he knew that Kawa would appreciate the warm ambience and the hundreds of twinkling fairy lights that adorned the ceiling. It felt so comfortable and serene until...

"Hey bitches, we're over here" Makki screeched. Everyone in the restaurant turned and looked at the pink haired boy. "Makki, my darling. I love you but do you have to be so loud" Matsun sighed. "Oh shut up, it was like being in a funeral home before we arrived". (Matsun would know- spoiler).

Iwa turned and looked at his boyfriend when he realised that the pretty boy hadn't remarked on anything that their friend had said. "Are you ok, baby?" Iwa asked. "Yes" he replied, " I just realised how much I missed these dorks."

The evening went amazingly well, there was lots of laughter as the boys reminisced about their high school days. "Hey guys, Kindaichi stuttered, Akira and I have something to tell you all" everyone turned the gaze towards the tall boy and waited for him to continue the sentence in anticipation. "He's agreed to marry me" the boy said smiling widely. "Oh my God, I'm so happy for you both"Kawa gushed.

"Well, if we're sharing Makki and I also have some news". "What is it Matsun?" Kawa asked. "We're adopting a little girl named Akane" Matsun replied with tears in his eyes. "She's going to complete our family". "I'm so happy for you both" Kawa smiled, "you'll make amazing parents. When do we get to meet her?" "She's coming home the day after Suga and Daichi's wedding" Makki smiled. "Oh great, I can meet her before I go back to Argentina" Kawa said excitedly. "I can't believe that she'll have to grow up without her Uncle Tooru but I suppose we could bring her to see you"Makki sighed.

Everyone noticed the mysterious little smile that flitted across both Iwa and Kawa's faces. "Should we tell them babe? Iwa asked looking at his lover. "Tell us what" Matsun asked confused. "If we tell you guys you cannot utter a word to anyone" Kawa explained. "Yes, we agree" the team responded. "You tell them baby Iwa said with his arms around the boy.

Kawa looked at them all and whispered, " Firstly I've been selected to play for the Argentinian national team in the Olympics". All of the boys gasped. "Secondly, when the Olympics are over I'm quitting the team and moving back to Japan" Kawa was overwhelmed as he took in his old team mates smiles and tears. "Thirdly, and the most exciting and important thing is that I'm moving in with Iwa chan". There was a huge cheer and lots of hugging.

"We're all so happy for you both and we will be able to hang out all of the time" Makki sniffled. The boys all went their own way back to their homes. "I had a really good time tonight Hajime, thank you" Kawa said smiling at his lover. "Anything for you" Iwa replied. The boys eventually retired for the evening and Kawa managed to have a full night's sleep, something that he hadn't managed for quite some time.

Kawa was awakened by Iwa gently shaking him, "Kawa, baby?" "Yes, Iwa chan?"the boy replied. "You need to get up, shower and change whilst I make your breakfast. Hibarida san will be here in an hour". "Ok, Iwa he replied. He kissed the boy gently on the lips and began to get ready.

An hour later, a knock at the door jolted both boys out of their thoughts. Kawa was extremely nervous but didn't want to show if in front of Iwa. Hibarida bowed to Iwa and Kawa, who returned the greeting but bowed lower as a sign of respect. "It's really nice to meet you Tooru" the man said smiling. "It's an honour Hibarida san" the boy responded. "I suppose you want to know why I requested this meeting" Hibarida replied. "Actually I am intrigued" Kawa responded.

"Tooru, how would you feel about coaching the under 19 national team with Hajime?" Kawa looked at the man in shock, "I don't know what to say". Hibarida continued, "you two would run the team together, you would also be in charge of scouting and running the training camps. We think that the two of you together would be an amazingly strong unit due also to your long relationship." Both boys looked at him and then each other, smiling widely.

"That is not the end of it. I want you two to eventually take over the Japan national team from me when I leave in 2 years time. Don't tell me what you decide yet, think about it and get back to me. Thank you for your hospitality but I must leave now as I have another meeting".

The man left leaving Iwa and Kawa staring at each other, eyes widened and mouths agape. Had they really just be chosen to take over the Japan national team.

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