Chapter 15

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The room where the ceremony was due to take place looked amazing. It was decorated with pink and white flowers and the back of each chair had a white silk bow attached, it was beautiful.

The boys looked over at the seating area and saw Makki and Matsun waving wildly at them. As Kawa and Iwa got closer to their friends they heard a huge gasp. Makki was looking wide eyed at them both. "Am I seeing things or are you two holding hands?"

Everyone who had already been seated looked over at the couple waiting for a response. Kawa locked eyes with Suga who immediately got up and ran towards the brunette and threw his arms around him, "I'm so happy for you Kawa babe". "Thank you Suga, that means alot". Suga turned and looked straight at Iwa menacingly and whispered, "if you hurt him again I'll use your balls for earrings. Do you understand me?" Iwa was shocked but answered, "I don't intend to hurt him again. I promise". "Good", Suga replied, "I'll catch you both on the dance floor later, bitches".

Iwa looked at Kawa and asked, "he was joking wasn't he?". Kawa just giggled and shook his head. Makki laughed loudly, "you don't wanna mess with Suga, he looks like an angel but he's real scary if anyone hurts his friends".

They all sat and after just five minutes a pale and shaky Bokuto walked down the aisle with his best man, Kuroo. "You ok Bokuto? Daichi shouted. "He's nervous, he thinks Akaashi will realise that he's too pretty for him and not turn up". "Bokuto" Kawa shouted,
"you know how much Akaashi loves you. He never stops talking about his Kou, so I think you'll be fine". Bokuto let out a huge breath, "thank you Kawa".

They all stood up when they heard the music signalling that Akaashi was on his way. As the doors open everyone let out a huge gasp. The boy looked stunning, well he always did, he was dressed in an all white tuxedo with Kenma walking slowly behind him, also looking stunning.

Kawa looked at Bokuto who was in floods of tears looking at his beautiful husband to be. As they came face to face the guests heard Bokuto say gently, "you look beautiful Keiji". Akaashi smiled at his lover and replied, "you look very handsome Koutarou".

By this stage everyone was crying, the couple looked so adorable, they were obviously so in love and meant to be together. As Kawa sniffled into a tissue he felt Iwa squeeze his hand gently, he turned and smiled brightly at the spikey haired boy. He was so happy, he thought back to how different his circumstances were from Kuroo and Kenma's wedding just nine months before.

The wedding went smoothly and before they knew it they were well into the night time party. A slow song came on and Iwa stood up and held his hand out to Kawa, "May I please have this dance?" "Yes sir, you may" Kawa replied whilst putting his hand in Iwa's.

The boys made their way to the dance floor hand in hand. Kawa put his arms around Iwa's neck and Iwa encircled his arms around Kawa's waist. Their bodies brushed together and Iwa could feel the brunettes breath against his neck. It felt amazing, both boys were lost in each other not noticing that everyone had left the dancefloor to secretly watch them.

Iwa kissed down Kawa's neck gently and then whispered in his ear, "I love you so much Oikawa Tooru". Kawa shivered and breathlessly replied, "I love you Iwaizume Hajime". The boys continued swaying to the music but kept pulling away slightly to look into each others eyes. Then they kissed, they were made aware of the fact that everyone was watching them when they heard cheering and clapping.

Both boys blushed intensely and then began to laugh uncontrollably.

Both boys blushed intensely and then began to laugh uncontrollably

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