Chapter 02 ~I need to tell my parents

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Dream/Clay POV~

     I look at the time at my clock *Its already 11 p.m.* I feel something grabbing face, I look down to see my newly adopted son (M/N) grabbing my face again. I smile until I remember something *oh shit I need to tell my parents and I need to buy baby supplies* I sigh *whelp I need to go to sleep and also (M/N)* .

     I take the basket out of the bed and place it in the floor, then place (M/N) in the bed putting some pillows around him to make sure that he wont fall. After that I laid next to him and sing him a song so he could sleep faster.

{(A/N) Italics are Dream singing play the song above}

     "The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried"

As start singing, (M/N) was looking at me slowly falling asleep every minute.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

I put my hand on his stomach and he start to grab my fingers with his tiny soft hands.

 "I'll always love you and make you happy
And nothing else could come between
But if you leave me to love another
You'll have shattered all of my dreams"

I continue to sing the song not taking my eyes off (M/N), smiling at him.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

  When I finish the song (M/N) is in a deep slumber. He was still holding my fingers, I was beyond happy to see him peacefully sleeping. After a good two minutes of staring at him I finally let my self fall to a deep slumber.

{(A/N) What a wholesome moment vote if you agree with me}

~Time Skip In The Morning Third Persons POV~  

     The sun is already high in the sky, bird chirping can be hear out side. A little raise of sun enters Clays room, he slowly start to wake up when his eyes meet the hot raise of sun. He sit down in his bed stretching his arms, getting some satisfying pops. He take glance over the sleeping child being glad that is was not just a dream.

     He pick up his phone looking at the time. *Oh its already 8 a.m.* He stand up from his get not wanting to wake up  the child and head to the bathroom to do his morning routine. He headed down stairs and cook food then go to the nearest baby store to buy milk, bottles, diapers and cloths. After that he research how to take babies a bath then give (M/N) a good warm bath. As soon as he finish giving him a bath they head back to the kitchen the heat the milk he make before giving to (M/N) and eating the food he make himself.

     After all of that he take (M/N) to the mall to buy the necessary thing he needed.

~Time Skip Clays POV~

     We just got home from the mall when i decide to call my parent over to tell them the news personally. I put (M/N)'s new thing in the empty room i got that was only in front of my room and arrange it. After two hours  the door bell ring meaning that my parent might have already arrive. I put my sleeping son in the crib and go down stairs to open the door, I let my parents in and sit in the couch

{(A/N) bald with line is dreams father talking while italics with line is his mother talking}

     We sat in the couch staring at each other silent filled the room until my mom decide to broke the silent between the three of us

"So Clay what do you want to tell us?"

"Okay so, last night I heard my door bell ring. When i open the door someone left their child in my front door with a note"

"And what did you do?"

"I decide to adopt the child and raise him like my own"

I could tell by the look at their faces that they are shock from what said. Once again silent surround us, my parents look at each other then look at me. They gave me a soft smile then my mother spoke.

"If you want to adopt the child we will support you and if you need to know anything about raising a child you know where to find us"

"Now where is my new grandchild"

"Hes up stairs in the room i turn into a baby room"

I lead my parents to (M/N)'s new room and open the door for them. We see (M/N) in a sitting position playing with the toys i bought him. My parents let out a "aww" as they walk closer to the crib and entertain my son.

"so clay what is his name?"

I look at my father and smile.

"His name is (M/N)"

"what a beautiful name you got (M/N)"

     My mom said while slowly lifting my son, he just giggle and reach for my moms hair. My mom chuckle then past him to my father. He gladly held (M/N) in his hands and poke his tiny nose.

*At least they are supportive to my decision* 


YOOO lets gooo another chapter after the first one. I must say this is  very wholesome chapter, but anyways thats all for this chapter.

I hope you are having a good morning, afternoon and night. Stay at home stay safe drink/eat properly bye~.

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