06 : Kindergarteners.

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"So.. This is where you live ?"

Yoongi nodded, locking his car behind them.

The ride was silent, no music or whatsoever, but Ariah could sense her boss was tense.

After being with that much men, she was good at detecting emotions.

Whether it was a small eye twitch or a slight nostril flare, she'd catch that immediately.

They got in the elevator and everything was still silent, making Ariah slightly nervous.

"Mister Min-"

"At this rate call me Yoongi, we're outside of the office Ariah." He answered, loosening his tie.

She stared at his hand a second, impressed by how good it looked before looking back at his face, noticing his slightly furrowed brows.

"Okay then.. Yoongi why did you bring me here ?"

He turned to her, looking at her up and down as he poked his tongue against his cheek.

"What's your guess ?" He asked, the 'ding' of the elevator indicating that the door opened.

She followed him, seeing that it led directly to his penthouse.

She looked around, loving the averall dark decorations, shades of black, dark red and brown all over the penthouse, a big piano in the middle of the living room.

"That's nice.." She said, looking around.

"Hyung you're home ?"

Ariah's eyebrows furrowed at the sound of that voice, feeling her blood already boil.


She refused to believe it was him.

Just, no.

Whether she liked it or not, Taehyung entered the living room, shirtless under his robe with messy grey hair.

As if he felt her presence, Taehyung turned around and smirked, meeting her glare.

"Yoongi what the hell is this ? I'm heading out."

Taehyung grabbed her forearm, rubbing circles on it with his thumb as he kept her from leaving.

"Don't leave Ari' Baby, we haven't even started yet.." He said with a small pout.

"No, I don't want your dick anymore fuck you !" She shouted at him, yanking her arm away. "Yoongi what the hell is this about ?!"

"Taehyung you could've made yourself decent, told you I'd bring her here." Yoongi ignored Ariah, taking off his blazer and throwing it on the couch.

"I didn't think you were serious though."

"Your Dad put pressure on you this morning what the fuck are you on ?!" Yoongi asked, raising his voice in irritation.

"Oh so you're scared of my Dad ?" Taehyung asked with a little chuckle, seemingly flirting with Yoongi.

"Go to Hell Taehyung." Yoongi answered, grabbing whiskey in the huge bar situated in the living room.

"Will take you with me Hy-"

Ariah watched them, eyebrows furrowed and upper lip twitching.

She has been a pretty bitch for way too long.

"What the fuck do I have to do with this ?!" She shouted at them, cutting Taehyung off and reminding them of her presence.

Taehyung gave her a small smile, rubbing her arm again.

"There, there Darling, no need to make a fuss, have a seat."

"I don't want to sit on your fucking couch I want to go home !" She yelled at him.

"Sit. On. The fucking. Couch." Yoongi glared at her, speaking slowly.

She scoffed, yanking her arm away from Taehyung again to cross her two arms above her chest.

"And I said no, what are you gonna do about that ?" She answered, deadpanning.

Taehyung chuckled, pushing his hair back.

"She really has no idea, does she ?"

"Of course I didn't tell her shit, we said we'll do it toge-"

"Oh !" Ariah cut them off again, stomping her foot against the floor loudly, the sound of her high heels clicking on the floor cutting them off again.

She sat herself on the couch, eyebrows still furrowed as she looked back and forth at the two of them.

"You're gonna stop arguing like fucking kindergarteners and tell me what's going on at this right instant so I can go home and fucking sleep ! I don't know what hell you people want from me but it has to stop now !" She shouted at them, scolding them like a mother.

They both looked at her with wide eyes, lips slightly parted in shock.

She had a temper, and none of them expected her to just lash out like that.

"Ari' Baby there's no need to get all mad, we're going to tell you." Taehyung said, giving her a smile.

"I didn't ask to see your yellow teeth, put them away."

Yoongi snorted, seeing Taehyung frown, not expecting to get attacked this way.

"Tell me right now before I change my mind and decide to straight up leave." She said firmly.

She needed responses, and frankly, both of their presences got on her nerves.

Taehyung, the guy who blue-balled her twice.

Yoongi, the bipolar boss.

How the hell did they know each other and what did it have to do with her ?

"Let's introduce ourselves Hyung, it's impolite to make Ari' Baby wait." Taehyung said, turning to Yoongi.

The older male groaned, slamming his glass back on the counter before standing next to Taehyung, Ariah glaring at both of them, impatient.

"Welcome to our humble home Darling, please be nice and stay until we've finished talking."

She looked at them with a blank face, annoyance radiating from her.

"I'm Taehyung, oldest son of the God Hades."

"Yoongi, oldest son of the fallen angel, Lucifer."




if you're religious, I'd recommend you to leave <3


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