39 : Ariah Parker.

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| Trigger warning : mention of abuse


"Okay so.. As surprising as it may sound I never had a threesome before."

Big silence.

When they arrived home, they didn't wait and immediately tried to start their threesome.

Turns out, it was slightly embarrassing, and now they were learning Ariah has never even did that.

"Hold on.. Beloved allow me to be shocked please." Taehyung chuckled out of disbelief.

"No really, I did a bunch of things but never a threesome."

"So in conclusion we're finally the firsts for something ?" Yoongi asked, lips parted.

"Hold on I have to ask.. Ever got fucked in the ass ?" Taehyung asked.

Ariah sighed, walking towards the bar in the living room and grabbing a whole bottle, sitting on the couch.

"Sit down, I'm gonna tell you my whole pornstar story." She said.

".. Actually I kinda want to know more about your life prior.. Your childhood and stuff." Taehyung answered, quite shyly in fear to make her uncomfortable.

It wasn't difficult to figure out that her past wasn't something Ariah liked to talk about, she never even mentioned it.

But though Yoongi brought up the threesome, they realized that they might not want things to take a sexual turn that night.

They had a great time learning about her interests that night, and if she finally wanted to talk about her past prior they jumped in her life, they would shut up and listen to all of it.

It was uncommon, and if she finally had the courage to talk about it, they won't dismiss it.

"Does that really interest you ?" She asked in a scoff.

They both hummed, nodding.

She took a deep breath, taking a big sip of the bacardi she held in her hand, feeling it slightly burn her throat.

"Well damn.. Where do I start ?"

"As far as you can remember.." Taehyung answered, hugging his knees.

They were both sitting on the floor in front of her, ready to listen.

Ariah took a deep breath, relaxing in the couch.

"Little Ariah Parker.. Born the second of November nineteen ninety eight in the suburbs of New York.. I have a mixed dad and a black mom, a little brother and an older brother, my family is really fucking religious, in the most toxic way but no matter how much I prayed I.. Never felt like I was one of them." She shrugged.

At this rate they were both hung on her lips, interested by the way she worded things, though her eyes seemed empty as she spoke.

"Always pray before doing anything, live by the Bible and even though we were broke, my parents rathered let us starve than putting us in a free public school.. They wanted us to stay within the catholic community by any cost, we've always lived like that, as far as I remember.. They even wanted me to become a nun, it was a whole mess."

"So you were poor ?" Yoongi asked, kind of surprised.

She looked, smelled and acted so expensive that he really wouldn't be able to tell.

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