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𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚── 000

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𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚── 000.
.· • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • ·

Growing up in a big city had its pros and cons. Although the constellation of lights that beamed at the windows of her bedroom has brought some sense of comfort and inspiration, it was also almost impossible for a gentle soul to fit and blend in with the loud honking cars in the busy streets, or the big, tall skyscrapers that reached out for the clouds.

Perhaps it was her fascination with daydreaming, or the light and hope that accompanied her graceful smile, but she has always felt rather lost in the exciting city she has grown up in, albeit that she would never admit aloud to her parents.

Therefore, leaving the traffic of the highway after 8 hours of driving, to the lonely roads of their destination, brought a feeling of warmth to her mind and heart. The mountain rose on the horizon, sheer rock striking down from the snowy peak, only the base was softened by the virescence of a pine blanket. An hour ago it had seemed so close, and now after flying down the highway at a hundred kilometers an hour it was just the same size.

A verdant landscape rose as if taking in mighty breaths of country-pure air, to meet the rising sun as a proud child shows a parent their accomplishment.

Unlike the person sitting by her side, she was enjoying the scenery and the waves of tranquility it carried with it. He, on the other hand, was bored and tired, and only sensed pleasure when pop songs had been played on the radio, making him hum along with the rhythm of the music she disliked most. While she was patient and enthusiastic, he was already fed up with the silence of the town they were heading to.

The driver and the one seated by his side were peacefully quiet, sparing a few glances to the two on the back seats through the inside rearview mirror that told them of the duo's reactions. It was no surprise that the younger one was dazed with the view she was staring at through the window with wide eyes. She held the glint in her eyes that she always had when she was inspired and thoughtful, already searching for the right poetic words she would use when she would sit and write down all her feelings later on the notebook she never ceased to carry.

That was the most captivating thing about her; she was so overjoyed and thankful for everything she was given, despite how hard life has tried to bring her down since childhood.

"Clary?" The woman asked softly to draw the redhead's attention, causing her gaze to snap to her way rather than the trees they were passing by.

"Hmm?" She raised her brows in question, meeting the emerald-green eyes of the older woman.

"You're quiet. Is everything alright? Are you feeling okay?" The mother asked in hesitation, knowing her daughter all too well to expect nothing but a dismissive wave of a hand that will assure she's fine, even if she's not.

"I'm good, mom. Just as I was when you asked me that question 10 minutes ago." Clary chuckled and said, returning her lazy gaze to the landscape.

"She's making sure you're alive." The guy on her side said casually as he threw another potato chip into his mouth.

"Christian!" The father, who held the wheel with both hands and focused on the road ahead, scolded his son for the insensitivity.

"You're an asshole." The younger sibling murmured dryly, shifting in her seat in discomfort.

"Guys, let's keep morale high, okay? We'll be there shortly." Charlie tried to prevent the anticipated argument between the two siblings.

Clary and Chris were good siblings, overall. They had the same fights any normal brother and sister would have, yet it was always clear they were joking and not actually attempting to hurt one another. How could they afford to be truly mean and disrespectful to each other when they know their time together is borrowed?

"Can you turn off the radio, then? This music gives me a headache." The redhead's plea was almost muffled through the loud music her brother enjoyed so much.

"This music is pure art." Chris protested with a bitter glance her way, "You just hear songs that old people like."

"I feel bad for you that you can't appreciate the charm of the '60s and the '70s." She replied in a patronizing manner.

"Ah, the music of the '60s was great. I was in a concert of 'The Rolling Stones' once." Linda told with a wide grin, recalling the magical night she had with the performance of the band she adored.

"Really?" Clary tilted her head to the side and questioned, now shifting all her attention to the conversation, "I, personally, am more of a 'Pink Floyd' and 'Led Zeppelin' fan, but they're awesome too."

"Y'all are weird." The 18-year-old remarked as he scrunched his nose up in distaste.

"We're superior." The younger sister teased with a smirk, and winced when he nudged her in the waist with his elbow.

"Hey, look, we're here!" The mother perked up in excitement as they passed by the sign announcing the town they were moving to, her eyes roaming around towards the cars and buildings on the horizon.

"What?! This place is the literal definition of nowhere!" Chris complained as he looked at the town with frantic eyes.

"It doesn't look that bad to me." The redhead shrugged and commented in a barely audible tone, her eyes studying the place that she might just learn to call home, a small smile spreading on her pink, thin lips with bliss.

"Because you're weird!" He argued impatiently, folding his arms over his chest in annoyance. "I hate you for making us leave Washington."

"Hey!" Linda's eyes widened at the sound of the comment that had an offensive meaning behind, and she turned around with a warning finger, "Don't blame your sister! We all needed a change."

"I was doing just fine back the-"

"What does it matter right now? We're here, aren't we?" Clary cut in quietly, her smile falling off her lips that were now pressed together tightly as she chewed on the inside of her cheek.

This time, neither of them has spoken. They exchanged a few glances in silence, watched the residents that soon will become their neighbors and perhaps even their friends, the places where they will find themselves hanging around and having a good time - what could possibly go wrong?

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author note !

And there we have the prologue of "Metanoia"!

Just a small introduction of the Anderson family, and Clary's magical mind.

Waiting to read your comments and thoughts about it!


𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀, damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now