When it comes to boys

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Looking at your best friend when a hot guy enters the room-he's mine
When your friend pushes you into your crush or you speak to your crush out of nowhere-I have a crush on you and she's doing a really bad job in concealing it
Endless staring contest-this isn't a contest
When you don't text back-We feel like you hate us and our lives are over
When we don't call you-we're waiting for you to call us
When we don't ask you out-We want you to ask us, your the man
When we see you with someone else(especially someone that we hate)-We are going to sob in bed, just don't EVER do that
When you come to us for advice about your past girlfriends- You should notice that the girl your talking to is the one that loves you
When we sit next to you-it's just an excuse to be with you
When we sit in awkward silence-we want you to bring something up so we can talk to you
Of we make eye contact-we don't want to stop looking, so keep talking
Of a slow dance song comes on- ask us to dance
If you text us- keep texting about things other than homework
Spending as much time with us as you can- we love it
If we walk past you-say hello or goodbye, it depends on where we're going.
If we bump into you-it was intentional

(Hoped these tips helped you see what girls really are like and go after them. It's not their job to ask them out, it's yours.)

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