Seriously?-I'm going to give you a chance to rethink what you just sent
Got it-I heard you, know can you please just shut up
Fine-We aren't on the same planet as fine
Whatever-its beneath them to type "f**k off" but not beneath them to imply it
Duh-they are telling you yes and how idiotic you were
Wow-the only thing they're admiring is how much of a phenomenal turd you are
Okay-Could be okay, could be NO-Kay. Beware
K-Red alert! Definitely not okay! They would hit you if you were there(this rules apply differently if a girl is texting a girl)
k-Decapitalize. Just like they want to decapitalize your head
...-I can't even... Just... No words
&^%$#@-They are mindlessly upset(Or a little kid has their phone)
What Things Mean In Girl Language
De TodoFor all those guys that really cant get hints or any other guy, or girl, that doesn't know what things mean in girl language. We have all our secret things boys just don't understand. Come and understand them.