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seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours, before you knew it, you were in a deep sleep along with diluc.

you could hear the noise of his long breaths fade away into nothingness as you drifted off to sleep.

the black of the back of your eyelids turned into a soft grey, followed by a broken white. soon enough, you were dreaming.

the white turned into a dark blue and soon resembled the scenery of one of your first memories. you instantly recognized the area you were in, the ninth floor of the abyss where you were found by the tsarista.

you looked up at the sky, seeing the stars shine through the galaxy above you. it was always funny to you, the way you descended lower to the abyss but started to get higher to the sky.

it was just like your first memory, except there were no enemies and you were your current self. you looked more around you and you saw there were clear sings of battle.

meaning this was most likely after you were taken in by the tsarista. you saw the fresh blood splattered on the floor, mixed with the water of the hydro abyss mage that you fought then.

you also saw two pairs of blood covered footsteps, most likely from you and the tsarista herself. the sight brought a frown on your features.

you wanted to inspect more of it, you lifted up one of your feet to take a step to the front. as soon as your foot hit the ground beneath you, it crumbled under your touch.

snapping your head back at the ground, you widened your eyes as you realized you were about to fall through the cracking floor.

you were about to make a run for it, but were too late. you lost your balance and fell into the void of the abyss.

falling backwards, you saw the hole of the floor you just fell through becoming smaller and smaller, untill it was so far away that you couldnt see it anymore.

now still falling, you looked around and witnessed nothing but pure blackness. luckily the darkness did not engulf you and you could still see your arms, limply in the air as you continued to fall.

seconds passed and you were still falling down to who knows where. suddenly the scenery around you changed from pure black to a dark red tint.

the scenery around you started becoming clearer, furniture was placed around you and you found yourself in the hallway ofthe fatui headquarters.

still dreaming, you remembered this memory was right after you were found in the abyss and taken immediately under the care of the fatui.

you fell to the ground, your back harshly making contact with the dark carpet below you. it did not hurt but you did feel the air leaving your lungs after you collapsed.

you wondered why you were suddenly dreaming about your own memories, as if you missed a big piece of information about the fatui.

"she is to be taken care of by all of us." you heard a distant voice speak up, you tilted your head to the side while slowly sitting up, propping your elbows behind you.

with your palms placed downwards on the floor, you took your time to catch your breath. your gaze was fixated on a door in the hallway that was opened slightly.

you sat up and eventually stood straight on both your feet, you walked to the door without any care and proceeded to push it further open.

it was a small office, you continued to look for the voice you heard and saw three people standing in the room. you saw no familiar faces, in fact, their faces were blurred out.

all it took was a slight side glance and you saw your younger self laying unconsciously on a small hospital bed. it all made sense to you now.

'its a memory i forgot.' you thought to yourself. seeing your younger self was sleeping at the time of the memory, you werent able to see the faces of the people talking, and therefore they were blurred out.

you looked back at the three people who never noticed you and they began talking, almost on cue. "just provide her with the basic needs." you heard an unfamiliar voice say.

the other two nodded, one of them spoke up too, "dottore said she does not require a great amount of attention." the other voice said as they nodded.

your eyes widened while your eyebrows furrowed. your mouth was slightly opened as you heard those words.

feeling a headache coming up, you reached your arm out to hold the side of your head while your eyes narrowed. 'how would dotorre know of me when i was just found...?' you thought to yourself while still dreaming.

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