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(About a 2-3 moth time skip)

"Eliza honey can you pass me the corn?" Mom asked while we were eating dinner one night. I thought it was finally time for her to know about me and Julie.

"So mom I wanted to tell you something that happened when I was away," I said. It was a little random but I couldn't bottle it up anymore.

"Well you know we got some new team members right?" I asked.

"Oh of course I read all about them in the paper," She said taking a spoon full of corn to her plate.

"Well that's what I wanted to tell you about," she liked confused so I explained further.

"I'm dating one of them..." I said after a moment of silence. My Mom's face lit up with excitement.

"Oh honey you should have told me sooner! Who is it?" She asked brightly.

"Julie Gaffney," I sighed.

"Wow honey I am so proud of you!" She said instantly. I smiled and continued with my meal.

"So does anyone else know?" she asked.

"Just Averman and Adam. I wanted to keep it under wraps," I replied.

"Well that's great honey I'm so glad you are happy!" She said supportively.

"Yes I am really happy mom," I said.

After dinner I cleaned up and decided to snuggle up on the couch and watch tv for a little bit. I clicked the channels but nothing good was coming on. I yawned and before you knew it, I was out.


I woke up the next morning on the couch.

"How did you sleep baby?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Fine," I replied stretching out. The door bell rang which meant the mail was here.

"Eliza mail!" My mom said it every morning.

"On it mom," I said back.

I went to the door picking up the usual bills and newspaper. There was a post card. I flipped it over and it had my whole hockey team's names signed in the back. The card part said:

Dear Eliza Conway,
We miss you so much and can not wait to see you again.
With love, The Ducks.

I smiled so widely at the gesture. These people will always and forever be my family.

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