Chapter 3

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"So... you got detention?"
"Yeah. Drew wouldn't stop talking. Our biology teacher got angry." Jake huffed. Daisy replied with a mere smile. The two of them carried the books to the library side by side, hands occupied, but only a mere few inches from each other. Daisy hasn't grown much since when they first met, but she's definitely gotten all the more prettier.
"Let's just drop them down the book shoot. The librarian will check them tomorrow morning." Jake blinked as Daisy suddenly began talking. He didn't even realize they had already arrived at the library. He nodded and watched as Daisy selectively put her books down the shoot multiple times, then helped Jake pick his and put them in. Jake grabbed one book and flinched as Daisy's fingertips were placed upon his own. They froze for a few seconds, Daisy's eyes fixed on the book. The Giver.
"D-Daisy?" With Jake's mustered response, Daisy yanked her hand back and apologized, averting his gaze. (5) Jake could feel his cheeks rise in temperature as he quickly put the remaining books down the shoot.
"Let's head back. I have to meet with my parents at pickup soon." Daisy scratched dorsum of her hand and turned her heel to begin making her way back to the classroom.
"Your parents... Yeah! Yeah, let's head back..." Jake followed behind her like an innocent puppy as they silently walked back. Daisy kept a serious facial expression, strutting down the hallway like she owned the world. Very intimidating to Jake, might I say.
Once they returned back on the ominous classroom, the teacher thanked them both. Daisy waved goodbye as she left and Jake took a seat back at the back with his items. He let out a hefty sigh, zoning out into space thinking about, of course, Daisy.

"Do you believe in soulmates, Jake?" A young girls long hair blew graciously in the wind, Jake's eyes memorized by her beauty.
"Come here and stand in front of the flowers. I'll take your picture." Within a blink, the girl had a camera within her grasp, pointing towards the large garden of freshly bloomed flowers. Jake complied, making his way to the spot and facing her. The biggest smile he's ever had in his life, shined brightly for a girl who had the hair of the same color.

As a king or as a night~....
Another day, another migraine. A familiar song was ringing in Jake's ears, making him rustle under his covers. Jake slammed his fist against the enemy that is his alarm clock, but the noise kept playing. He pushed away his bed sheets and adjusted himself to place his feet on the floor and got off his bed. He looked around the room with a dozy look on his face and grabbed his phone. A call from Drew.
"Hello...?" Jake mustered out, obvious mucus stuck in his throat.
"Dude, this is crazy. You need to get to school right now." Drew quickly spewed out what he could, before Henry could be heard over the phone.
"They're in love~!!!" He giggled, before letting out a desperated groan, most likely from Lia hitting him. She could also be heard in the background, talking about how it's no time to joke around on the serious matter.
"Drew? What's going on?" Jake was by now more aware, holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he collected his clothes to wear for the day.
"It's about you and Daisy. You guys were posted on the weeks newspaper for the school. Everyone thinks you're dating."

The wind pushed his hair back as he sped like he never has before. His legs went without a second thought, and before he knew it he was at the entrance of the school where everyone else was.
"Finally, man! Congrats on the girl!" Henry laughed, waving towards Jake as he was panting excessively from running.
"W-What's going on?! Why does everything think Daisy and I are dating?" Jake spoke within each breath, his hands were on his knees as he looked up to the group, all of them looking down at him.
"The schools newspaper took photos of you guys together after school doing stuff and I guess they wrote it in a way that made you seem like you were dating her," Drew said, glaring back and forth from Jake and Zoey as she played with his watch on his wrist, "maybe this is an opportunity to finally start actually dating her."

Jake ruffled his hair as he walked up the stairs to the schools rooftop, thoughts conflicted and heart racing. What if Daisy didn't feel the same way? What if Daisy hates him now? He pushed open the door, greeted by a sudden burst of wind in his direction. At the end of the rooftop, there stood her. The girl who shined so brightly like the sun you'd instantly look away to prevent hurting your eyes - but he liked the pain.
Jake stood at the door, watching the girl look into the distance, a familiar glare in her eyes.
"You saw it, right...?" She stated, knowing of Jake's presence, but never gathering the courage to look at him.
"Y-Yeah..." He mumbled, looking at her grip tightening around the fence around the rooftop at his response.
"I have a dance recital," something about her voice was different, it was much more monotone, and the once-bubbly girl felt like just a memory, "I have to go."
Before Jake could muster out any words, she made her way past him down the roof stairs.


(4) I always had this theory of Daisy's past since I received the script of episode 4. I couldn't publicly speak about the theory until the actual episode was released, of course.

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