Chapter 5

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The notes of a familiar tune filled the air as a certain pair's vocals bounced around the room. The keys of a piano, banging of the drums, strumming of the guitar, all came together to produce a symphony of thoughts and emotions into music.
"Amazing as always, everyone! It's just getting better and better!" Daisy clapped her hands together in satisfaction, smiling widely towards the group of musicians.
"T-Thanks Daisy!" Jake flustered out, scratching the back of his neck. Jake's fellow vocal mate rolled her eyes and looked towards the door, noticing a shadow peeking from the gape.
"Why are you acting so weird, Jake? Aren't you dating her?" A familiar purple boys irritated tone made Jake stutter, receiving a laugh from Daisy.
"Jake and Hailey really make an amazing team together - all of you do! I'm so excited to see you guys perform again for Christmas!" (6) Jake smiled back at Daisy's response. A small buzz was heard within the room, making the minimal drum practices come to a stop and look towards the petite-bodied girl in the middle of the room.
"Oh, she's here! I invited a friend of mine to come watch you guys. I hope that's okay." Looking directly towards Jake, her puppy eyes made his cheeks grow a dark shade of red. He awkwardly nodded, making her giggle. She pranced towards the rooms door, and opened it, revealing the mysterious figure Hailey had noticed prior.
"What the hell? Why'd you bring that stuck up jaguar here?!" The guitarists face almost matched the color of her blood-red hair in escalated anger.
"Milly, all... I don't know the past you guys have with Lia, but I'm happy to let you know that she's realized her past mistakes. I think she's started to hang out with the right people," Daisy motioned Lia to step into the club room, which she did hesitantly, taking occasional glances to see the annoyed expressions of the club mates. Her eyes landed on Jake's, who was neutral, maybe even a bit concerned for her. "I'm confident you will all get along with her better than ever."
"Get along with her? Please, the only thing that I would get along with when it comes to her and her group is my fist in their mouth." Milly cracked her neck and knuckles, preparing for a fight.
"I'm not friends with Zoey anymore." Lia's stern response left everyone in the room wide eyed, and Jake even more concerned.
"You're not friends with Zoey anymore? What happened...? Drew didn't tell me anything." Jake walked towards Lia to the table next to the door to grab his phone and check his recent messages from his group. None.
"Obviously. Haven't you noticed they barely tell you anything anymore?" Lia scoffed and crossed her arms. She changed her eye direction towards Daisy, who looked at her with eyebrows raised.
"I-I mean, they stopped talking to you about a lot of stuff since they figured you liked the music club better. That you were distancing yourself from them." Lia stuttered in awkwardness, realizing her past sassiness came out. But she's been trying to fix it.
"That's... weird. I didn't really feel anything out of the ordinary. Other than them saying I spend more time at the club than... oh." Jake blinked a few types, concluding that he was already aware, but never processed it.
"Why does that even matter? It's that stupid trio for crying out loud. They're annoying." Zander huffed and turned off his piano, making his way down to where Jake was and grabbed his backpack. Hailey began to follow along, taking her jacket and backpack from the table.
"They're my friends. Just like you guys are... I wouldn't want you guys ignoring me!" Jake attempted to defend himself, receiving a hoot of laughter from Hailey.
"Okay mister redemption, maybe you should contact them first," she waved her hands towards him, raising her eyebrows, "Zander and I are out. See you guys later."
"Bye Hailey!" Milly waved goodbye, clasping her guitar on it's stand.
"Hailey, wait-" Lia's desperate voice put Hailey to a halt. She turned her head slightly to grasp the guilty look on the girls face.
"We'll talk later Lia, okay?" Hailey's light grin put shivers down Lia's back. She nodded, and the door closed behind them.

"What is with her? Why is she not answering me?" The ombre-haired girl hissed towards her phone, noticing the Delivered sign for the past 45 minutes.
"Maybe she moved on." The girls boyfriend shrugged, irritating her more.
"She's so full of herself. I'm the one that should be ghosting her. She didn't eat lunch with me today like she promised." The girl huffed, putting her elbow on the table to grasp her cheek.
"I saw her eating with Daisy at lunch today. Maybe she ditched you." The freckled boy shrugged his shoulders, fist bumping Henry at the come back.
"She was WHAT?! Eating lunch with that goody-two-shoes?" In rage, she flipped her phone and slammed it down on the table, making the freckle and lettuce tremble.
"If she was with Daisy, Jake was probably there too." The maroon rich boy fidgeted with his watch, not entirely listening to the conflict at hand.
"There's no way Jake was there. She would never eat lunch with those two lover birds together." Zoey began to bite her fingernail in anxiousness, making Drew lift his head up and grab her hand.
"Stop overreacting, Zoey. I'm sure it's nothing." Clasping her hand around hers, Drew gave a stare-down at his girlfriend, which she was not having. With a groan, she removed her hand from his grasp and stood up.
"I don't want your sympathy. I want answers, Drew," she padded her pants then turned her heel, "I'm going to find her. You can come with me or not." She gave a glare towards Drew, who stood up behind her. He grabbed his things and tailed behind Zoey. The two of them left the others to resort on a rescue mission.

"Have you considered playing an instrument, Lia?" The sky-blue eyes sunk into Lia's chocolate eyes as she poured slightly.
"Not really, but I played violin a bit growing up." She shrugged, her hair waving with movement.
"Really?! No way! I've always wanted to learn how to play violin," Daisy giggled, smiling brightly as she took Lia's hands in her own, causing Lia to flinch, "would you teach me? Please?" Daisy's eyes turned into a desperate puppies', Lia sighing in defeat.
"Fine. If I remember... which is probably unlikely." The two of them smiled and began focusing back to the club duties, laughing along to Jake's flirtatious jokes.
"That brat... leaving us for this dump. Can you believe this Drew?!" Zoey mumbled under her breath as she stared into the barely-opened music room door to peer in, ears wide. Drew's head was placed above hers, but he wasn't paying attention to Lia. His eyes were glued to a girl in a familiar blouse and ravishing smile. Seeing this new side of the girl, he couldn't bring himself to look away. Was she always this energetic and friendly? Drew took note of the way her hips swayed to the strums of the guitar and the pounding of the drums. The way her eyes kept shut as a grin peered onto her face, her cheeks squinting like little bean cakes. She forgot about him, while here he was, having her all memorized.


(6) I think this is probably taking place after the initial competition, I'm not sure. Don't take the timing into consideration too much since this is barely focusing on the music club lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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