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The explosion shook the building entirely smoke soon filled the air as people ran outside met with a burning mondstadt

Noelle ran out into the streets fire rapidly spreading through The city of freedom as its people were left running and screaming praying to the Archons that their families will be ok and make it out alive

Noelle helped most of them out alongside diluc and a few others, soon The whole town was out children crying and adults panicking trying to figure out what happened, Noelle did a head count making sure everyone was accounted for

"diona, Lawrence, sucrose, Timmie, flora, Bennett, Huffman... where's Barbara" she turned in fear towards The burning town smoke billowing in the sky like an ominous warning

"Noelle don't-" before diluc could say a word to change her mind Noelle ran the town running up the steps, hoping Barbara was just scared sitting somewhere safe, Barbara was a hydro catalyst and is a great healer she will be fine

Noelle thought these things as she approached the Cathedral barbatos's statue falling and crumbling onto the ground as she ran into The church seeing nothing but smoke and ash

"BARBARA!" She called running deeper into the holy house "BARB-" she stops seeing a limp body on the floor clutching onto a lyre ,the holy lyre, "Barbara?" Noelle picks up her companion touching her burning hot skin as she coddled her

"Please please barbatos no" she said tears running down her face onto Barbara as she held her closely "no no no" she whispers clutching her deceased friend "p-please come back"

"I didn't tell you I loved you yet"

She felt a hand on her shoulder looking up she saw, the anemo archon head bowed in respect for her friend "I'm sorry for your loss" they said kneeling beside her

"tell me Noelle" barbatos said "do you wish to avenge your friend?" Noelle nodded looking back at Barbara "more then anything" they put a wrapped cloth in her hand "may the wind bless you" they vanished leaving Noelle with the cloth

She carefully opened it showing a bright glowing anemo vision Noelle put the vision next to her geo standing up Barbara in hand walking out the church burning rage fueling her every word

"Heh may the winds bless me they said" she muttered under her breath looking over the burning city "well bless my ass" she puts Barbara next to the broken statue

running to the center of town with the least fire looking at a figure spreading Dandro dust making the fire burn brighter and bigger consuming the brick stove

Noelle jumped down taking out her clamore "hey!" The figure turned around showing the face of albedo frowning "ah miss Noelle didn't expect expect to see you here" he said calmly despite what he was doing

Noelle charged after him as he draws his sword countering her attacks "nice try Noelle but geo against Geo is not a good tact-" he was cut short by the burst of wind throwing him upward and Noelle smacking him into the ground

"how?" He turned seeing her glowing geo and anemo visions, pure shock was on his face as Noelles eyes stared him down as she lifted her clamore "DIE" and with a slash enhanced with wind and earth, albedo had joined Barbara

She put her clamore away walking out of mondstadt no longer burning with rage no it had turned into a heart-wrenching sorrow stronger then leaving the knights stronger then diluc on the brink of death

No this was more then anything she had ever experienced she was only halfway across the bridge when she broke down in tears shaking and gasping for air

She felt familiar hands wrap around her in a hug "it's ok Noelle... you're safe" she cried harder clinging onto diluc heaving out apologizes and begging for forgiveness, and didn't stop even when she passed out from the smoke in her lungs, muttering and tears slipping out but no one knew why or what she did

But they knew she was sorry

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