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An: Hallo! I just wanted to say that this is my first fanfic I publish and I know that it isn't awesome but... well... I just hope you like it and please review! I'd love all kind of feedback :)

Also I want you to know that I'm not from an English speaking country so I guess that my grammar isn't awesome.

J.K. Rowling owns it all!!! (I wish I did though. Imagine how cool that would be) ****************************************************************

The train was moving fast. Through the window in his lonely compartment Teddy could see trees, mountains and lakes. It was all beautiful. Teddy sat with his head against the window, looking at the view without really seeing it. His mind was somewhere else. It was with his parents. He missed them so much, though he knew that he would never meet them.

He had heard lots of stories about them. He knew that his mum had hated her first name. He knew that his dad had been friend with his godfather's dad. He knew that Remus had been a werewolf and that Nymphadora, or Tonks, had been a metamorphmaus, just as himself. But there were also lots of thing he didn't knew and things he had gotten to know the previous day.


'DAD!!!' James yelled from the kitchen.

Harry rose from the sofa where he and Teddy were sitting, playing wizard chess.

'I'll be right back,' he said to his godson and walked into the kitchen to see what happened.

Teddy couldn't see them but he could clearly hear what they were saying.

'What happened Jamie?'

'I got hurt.'

'How- wait a second. Did you play with my wand again?'

'Al told me to.'

'Al? But he's sleeping.'


'James I have told you not to play with it. I think that it's time for you to go to bed by the way. Come here.'

'But I'm not tired.' James mumbled as Harry came out to the living room with James in his arms.

'I'm coming down in a minute. I'm just going to make sure that he falls asleep. Sorry,' Harry said to Teddy as he started to make his way up the stairs.

Teddy looked after them. Then suddenly he felt a big jealousness of James. He wanted to be little, to have a mum and dad who loved him more than they loved anything else but he hadn't. Of course he had Harry and Ginny and his grandma Andromeda, but they weren't his parents. Even if they always were there for him, even if they were almost like his parents, it wasn't real. He wished that it was his own dad who was playing wizard chess with him. His own dad who didn't have to care about Lily or Albus or James.

He felt his eyes start burning. He didn't want to cry. He shouldn't cry. Babies cried. Not he.

He rose from the couch and walked into the room that he slept in when he was with the Potters. He closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed. Slowly a tear fell down his cheek. On his bedside table stood a picture of them, of his parents. They were smiling happily at him.

Smiling isn't helping he thought. He wanted to talk to them, wanted to see them in real life. He wanted them to say that they were so proud that he got his Hogwarts letter, that they loved him really much and that he was going to do great in school. But they couldn't.

Someone slowly opened the door. 'Teddy?' Harry asked and walked in. 'Teddy what is it?'

Teddy quickly wiped of the tears from his face, but he knew that Harry would be able to see that he had been crying and he thought that Harry would be able to guess why. 'Nothing,' he answered, even if it was obvious that Harry wouldn't believe him.

Teddy LupinWhere stories live. Discover now