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A/n: Hallo! Here's chapter four! Read and please review!


It was friday and their second last lesson for the day was just to end.

'Don't forget to write the essay!' professor Longbottom said, though he probably knew that no one was listening. 'At least one foot about what's the first thing you should do if you've stucked in a Ceades fenestra herba. Mellvin! Don't forget your gloves!'

Teddy and William started to walk back to the castle to their last lesson. It was was transfiguration which was a subject who niether Teddy nor William enjoyed.

'I can't believe that he gave us a new essay,' Willia groaned. 'I mean, seriosly, we just got our last one back. I got an A and he had written that it was close to a poor, I mean, I really hate Herbology. What did you get on your essay then? O, I guess?'

'I don't understan why you don't like it. I really love it, and also professor Longbottom is a quite awesome teacher.'

'He's a good teacher, it's just a shame that he choosed such a crapy subject. So did you get an O or not?'

'Does it really matter?' Teddy asked. He didn't like to talk about his grades, even if he often got very good ones. He'd rather kept it for himself.

'Of course it does so stop milkin' it. What did you get?'

'O,' Teddy answered and blushed.

'I knew it!' William said and laughed. 'You always get top sco- hey! What's going on over there?' he pointed on a group of people a little bit in front of them. The group seemed to laugh at someone in the middle of everything. A little girl with long silvery-blond hair.

'That's Vic!' Teddy said and started to walk faster, feeling that it wasn't something good happening over there when he heard Victoires angry yells. 'Come on Will! hurry up!'

He reached the group of maybe five, six slytherins from his year. They were jerks, all of them. Even if Harry had told him that the Slytherins was just as nice as the Gryffindors Teddy didn't really knew if he could agree with that.

'What are you doing?' he asked angrily.

'Teddy!' Victoire shrieked. 'Teddy they took my bag and won't give it back!'

'Give back her bag!' Teddy ordered. He didn't know why he got so angry, but he guessed that he felt as though Vic was his cousin, even if she really wasn't.

'Or what?' a big boy with curly blonde hair. 'What will a little Hufflepuff like you do if we choose to not give it back eh?'

'Or I'll hex you,' Teddy said, picked out his wand and pointed it at the curly haired boy. 'Give it back now.'

'Ooooh,' the curly haired boy laughed. 'Wanna duel will you? Sure for me!' he picked up his wand and before Teddy had time to react he lay in the grass ten feet away. His hand washurting badly. He must have fallen on it in some weird was.

Tears burned in his eyes. Victoire stood frozen and stared at him and William had run up to him and sat now by his side on the grass.

'Come, let's go,' William said and dragged Teddy up on his feet. Victoire rushed and got her bag which now lay forgotten on the grass next to one of the Slytherin boys.

'Thank you Teddy,' she said. 'Are you alright.'

Teddy nodded shortly, then the curly haired boy called on him.

'Hey Lupin! Gonna go whine to mummy eh?! Oh right you don't have one. Sorry, maybe you could ask your dad to punch me down! Oh right! He's dead to! We should call you Deaddy! Deaddy! Deaddy! Deaddy!'

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