The badge

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A/n: Woah! Seventh year! This chapter is about when he get's the letter about which school books he should bring, and something more... (the titel says it all actually)


Lily came running into Teddy's room jumping into his bed yelling "morning morning morning!!!"

He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. The sun shined through the curtains of the window and Teddy guessed that the clock was around eight. It had been a very warm summer so far and this didn't seem to be an exception.

'Come on, come on, come on!' Lily yelled, 'We're going swimming! But first we have to eat breakfast dad says, come on sleepy head!'

Teddy smiled and told her that he was coming. Lily ran out of the room and Teddy got dressed and walked out to the kitchen where Harry, Ginny, James, Albus and Lily now sat around the table, eating breakfast.

'Morning,' Albus said and smiled. 'Did you know that we're going swimming? First mum thought it was a bad idea but we told her it was not and finally she agreed.'

'Yeah, it's great,' Teddy said, knowing that all the Potter children were obsessed with the sea. They could spend days there though when James started to talk about bringing a tent and spend the night on the beach, Harry said promptly no.

Lily sighed. 'Dad,' she said and looked at her dad. 'If we can't spend the night there, then what are we going to do?'

Harry smiled and ruffled her hair. 'Well, we're going to swim and bath and have fun, and then when we're done we're going to go home. Doesn't that sound good?'

Lily shook her head and looked angrily down in her bowl with porridge, milk and strawberry jam, to her it sounded stupid. But her angriness was interrupted by James who stood up from his chair enthusiastically and pointed on the window.

'Look!' he yelled. 'Owls! It must be my Hogwarts letter!!!'

'It must be! Congratulations Jame! Looks like they knew you're here Ted,' Harry said and nodded towards the big brown owl in front of Teddy. It had as usual an envelope with the Hogwarts sigil on it.

'Oh I'm so happy for you!' Ginny said to her oldest son and she hugged him tightly. That kind of motherly hug that Teddy had received from her a few times. One of those times when he got his first Hogwarts letter. Also Harry walked around the table to hug James who shined like a sun.

Albus and Lily didn't look very happy though. They also wanted to go to Hogwarts, though sadly they had to wait a few years.

Teddy opened his letter and picked out a parchment with green ink. It was his supply list:

Seventh-year students will require: 1. Three sets of plain work robes (black) 2.One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear 3. One pair of protective gloves ( dragon hide or similar) 4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings) 5. One set of dress robes (any colour, conservative style)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags

1. The standard book of spells (grade 7) by Miranda Goshawk
2. A History of magic by Bathilda Bagshot
3. Wizarding war, first and second by Erida Malsowel
4. Advanced potion making by Libatius Borage
5. A guide to advanced Transfiguration by Felmert Flibber 6. Advanced Herbology (grade 7) by Melliada Mer
7. A charming story about the plants that'll eat you by Elmore Elltado
8. The ancient rune's guide ( 2 ) by Theodore Combly
9. The dueler's most important guide by Felena Mendow
10. Advanced Defence against the dark arts by Albert Bumbler
11. Planets and their movements by Harrold Hillmey

1 wand
2 cauldrons (pewter standard size 2 and copper standard size 4)
quills, ink, parchment
1 set crystal phials 1 set brass scales
1 small shuffle ( 15-20 inches)
1. Telescope

Students are also allowed to bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad OR a pygmy puff.

'I need pretty many books, though I already have a few of them... we used A guide to advanced transfiguration, advanced potion making, Advanced Defense against the dark arts and Advanced Herbology last year. What does your letter say James?'

James started to read the letter in a clear and very proud voice but he got interrupted by Lily, who probably found his reading boring.

'Em Teddy, you missed one thing,' Lily said as she looked though his envelope. 'You got a sticker too, how nice, a present.'

'It's not a sticker Lily,' Al said and sighed. 'See, it doesn't stick anywhere, stickers are sticky and this is definitely not sticky.'

'Maybe it's an unsticker,' Lily suggested and looked at it with an interested look on her face.

'Can I have a look on it?' Teddy asked her and she handed him the
so-called-unsticker. It was little and yellow and on the side which Teddy guessed was the front was the text Head Boy with squiggly letters. Teddy stared at it in chock. Of course, he almost never broke the rules and he was good in school, but never would he think that he would become head boy. Head boy, head boy. He said it over and over again in his head, trying to understand that it was actually truth.

'What is it,' Ginny asked and looked at the badge.

He gave it to her at the same time as a big smile grew on Teddy's face, he was actually head boy. Ginny also smiled very happily and showed it to Harry who rose up and walked around the table to hug Teddy.

Teddy suddenly wondered how it would be like if it wasn't Harry who hugged him but his real father, if he had just showed his mum and dad that he was head boy, but not even that sad thought could make him less happy now.

'What! What is it!? Is it something cool or can I continue reading?' James asked sounding slightly annoyed that he was the only one who hadn't seen the badge. 'I wanna see it! Mum what is it!?'

'He's head boy!' Ginny aid happily and hugged Teddy too. 'Congratulations Teddy!'

James and Albus gasped. 'Really!?' Albus said at the same time as James smiled very mischievously and said that now he could brake even more rules than he had thought because Teddy would certainly not punish him though when he said that Ginny looked at him sternly.

'No you can absolutely not do that, I think that you should try make a good impression and so, you don't want to all the teachers' nightmare before you start your second year,' she said but then she looked back at Teddy. 'I'm so proud of you! In my family, if someone became a prefect or a head boy or girl they got a present. Is it something you would want? And James, we have to buy all your things too. I can't believe it, James starting his first year and Teddy becoming a head bo-' but then Lily interrupted her.

'What is a head boy?' Lily asked curiously. ''Cuz I mean, most boys have heads, sooo it's not that special is it?'

'It's not a boy with with a head Lils,' Harry laughed.

When he said that Lily suddenly looked horrified. 'Ewww! Is it a boy without a head? That's disgusting!'

'Does it look like Teddy hasn't got a head,' James asked and sighed at how little she knew. 'It's a guy with... um... lots of power.'

'Aha,' Lily said and sighed in relief. 'And I who almost thought that they were going to take of Teddy's head! Well, I'm glad you got lots of power Teddy, now you can do whatever you want. Dad, are we still going swimming?'

Harry laughed. 'Yes flower, we're still going swimming.'

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