Teaser(Sneak peak)

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Kim Y/n went missing after resolving  the case of an abduction child.

She hasn't returned almost 3 weeks and the investigation result was not found.

Her last message was with her friend, Tzuyu saying that she need to go outside to buy a cup of ramen noodles.

The pedestrian nearby the shop said that she went inside and then  out of nowhere some unknown group of black men immediately captured her then put her inside a vehicle.

"Y/n-ah. Please return home".

"What do you mean Jisoo went to Myeondong?""

"Do you think it is too easy to handle man-to-man combat?"

"Bring that motherf*cker to me!

"Don't test my limits, Jeon"

"Help me, Jennie!"

"We need to get out of here"

"We need to get out of here"

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"I know I'm too pretty to look as a scary witch"

"I present to you, the underboss of Dark Spark"

"Blood must repay with blood"

"You're dead now, agent."

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