Chapter 3: Ready Angel

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Location: Seoul District City

Time: 3.00 pm

[7 months later]

(Jungkook's POV)

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(Jungkook's POV)

 I sit in the limo with my gang.There is Jimin,Joy,Yeonjun,Irene and Seulgi.We are heading towards an event.I check my phone to see any notification appear on screen.

"Jungkook-ssi."Jimin call from my side looking at me."Yeah,hyung?"I response him,still focusing on my business."Don't you seem to get a bit humiliated after the gang from Paris stole our reputation and rank?"he say while describing the unforgettable moment.

When he rewind the issue,I glare at him intensely."Paris my foot!How could they possibly defeated us until just a few seconds?!"I scoff in frustration after saying with my teeth gritted .My hand form into a grip and slam on the seat cushion with my anger expression plastering on my face.

 "People use brain to functioning their planning system.By the way,connect to Yoongi so we can reach some updates."

Irene who's being Jungkook's trusty secretary rush her fingertip to connect the line from Yoongi.

Irene who's being Jungkook's trusty secretary rush her fingertip to connect the line from Yoongi

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Once the signal line connected,Jungkook try to call out Yoongi."Hyung,you hear me?"Then,a beep sound coming from my earpiece,which means it is."Yep.I'm in here."I smirk at the corner of my lips."Now how much time do we have left before it begins?"I wait for his response while shaking my foot."20 minutes,boss" he say.

"Speed up,driver"I command the driver to increase the wheel engine speed to catching up time.

The other ladies and guys that were sitting across me have a small conversation between each other.I clear my throat to gather their attention."You know where your positions are" I furrow my brow deeply.They nod their heads repeatedly for understanding my words.

"Hear me out,the leader put their head to complete the entire property around this area.And be sure to knock their own gangs off the court.In this hour, we should regain the power for this team."after I explain,Jimin take his handgun and ready to fill in the bullet.His gaze goes upwards towards the car window.

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