Bonus Scene 2.0

22 2 0

Location: Myeongdong District

Time: 10.00 pm

(Jungkook's POV)

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(Jungkook's POV)

My gang were having the hunt to kill our next opponent and after we shed more blood I decided to drive my own way to somewhere else.

'I caught the last prey and now I'm getting another one.'

I laugh alone as the thought of play and kill more prey makes me go crazy.I'm a mafia after all.I'm different.In the house I'm an angel but being the outsider person is the whole level.The devil that people mostly talk on issue serious topic on online.Then something came on my mind.

'I wonder about abeoji's words.What was it....ouh'

'The marriage'

How come he went to the marriage and the briefcase anyway?That's odd and nonsense.I still want to live my full young life on this land city.

'He must be getting old...'

At the fourth junction I speed my gear engine as I need to be there faster.I run over the red light as I don't care the sh*t of it.The route at the front diverge towards the bridge.With my hand handle the steer I drive at the traffic lane.

Unfortunately,I almost hit a car and that makes me drift the car into circulation.My head goes spinning causing me a headache.



(Y/N's POV)

I'm heading  the way to meet SeokJin. Our mission for the latest contract will begin tomorrow morning.

'When am I gonna face that guy Jungkook?Its been for 7 months I haven't started anything.Weird.'

While I drive on lane road a  car then went outrage that almost crash mine.What the -

In able to prevent the accident, I step more pressure on my foot pedal break to drift my car making the gas occur smoke.

After the dramatic scene end,I step out of my car and leads towards the freaking idiot.

"YAH!YoU BerSErk JeRk!YoU WanT TO KilL mE or WhAT?!"

The guy steps from his black car and I confront him from eye to eye.NO.



(A/n's POV)

Now its the new combat that the pair meet each other again and confront for the first time.

The traffic become heavy as there goes a commotion incident.

Y/n want to punch him in the face but hold her grudge aside. Jungkook runs his hair back with his eyes close. Y/n decided to shout and and say something like...

"YAH!YoU BerSErk JeRk!YoU WanT TO KilL Me or WhAT?!"

"You're one who crash into me first"he reply to her with a smirk spread across his face.

"MY CAR ALMOST COST MY LIFE and you just said the sh*t out of it?!"

Y/n madly burst her angst to him without any mercy.She need to deal with him.

Jungkook twist his lips and speak up..

"Then let's bet this."


"You own me and I own you."

Jungkook say with a mocking tone with his hands tuck into his pants.He lift his chin up to look at her.

Y/n stretch her neck and stare him in impassively.She put a sneer at the end of her lips make him irritating.She get each moment to step closer at him.

"We do own something,did we?"Y/n speak to the previous thought she had at the back of her mind.She wanted him to notice that they're in a secret debt.

"I feel we met before."he reply which makes Y/n shortly smile.But then sigh deeply.

She and Jungkook stares like a deadly shot in an awkward situation.

"Hey.You dropped this chaotic scene to my car,right?"he break the stare and speak to Y/n.

"It was you-"

"I'm gonna need your name and number for insurance purposes only."

Jungkook cuts her off before she correct him.This made her really frustrating.Because of that jerk,her meet up with SeokJin delay.

He give his card to Y/n's hand as he pull it closer making the space small.He move towards her face and whisper at her ears causing her to feel goosebumps.

"Next time,don't hit me too hard"

With that he peck her cheeks and leave there causing her to stun and surprise.


P/s : Hopefully you guys have a great day and take care of yourself and peace OUT!😍

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