Lily has lived in a orphanage for most of her life. One day she will meet her idol, Scarlett Johansson, and from that day, her life will change forever.
Read the story for more information!
Lily pov I wake up and smile, this will be the first day in my new family, I'm so happy. I look at the clock and see that is 8am, then I remember that this morning at 9.15am Rose, my new little sister, it's coming home.
I drees up and set my brow-blonde hair in two braids then I go down for breakfast.
"good morning Y/n" Scarlett is sitting having breakfast while she looks at her phone, "good morning" I say and then Scarlett puts a plate in front of me and I eat.
Scarlett pov Lily comes downstairs and we have breakfast together. Then I ear a knock on the door and go open it.
When I poen the door two little arms wrap on my legs, I look down and see Rose, "hi baby I missed you" I say while picking her up, "I missed you too mommy".
"baby me and Colin have a surprise for you" "what is it mommy?". I walk into the kitchen and find Colin there with Lily.
"do you see the girl there? Her name is Lily and she is your new big sister" Rose quickly ask me to put her down and then she runs to Lily.
Lily pov Rose comes running towards me, I kneel down and she immediately hugs me. I freeze for a moment but then I hug her back and pick her up.
"so now you are my sissy?" she ask, "yes I am, are you happy?" "yesssss".
Time skip (afternoon) Scarlett pov Me, Rose and Lily are going to the mall to get things for Lily's room.
We stay there for like 2 hours and then we go back home.
We start to decorate, well me, Lily and Colin, Rose is too little for that.
Finally after 1 hour the room is done and it looks amazing.
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(sorry if you don't like it, also pretend the person isn't there) ☀︎︎-----------------------------------------------------☀︎︎ Author space Heyy guys, I'm so sorry this chapter is really short but I've been busy! I promise to update when I can and I hope it will be soon! Byeee