Chapter 32

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Bundled up to the chin with winter clothes, to ward off the mid-November chill, people gathered upon the steps of the Federal Judicial building trying to observe the arraignment of Lemario Mitchell.

People ventured out of the comfort of their homes, to watch the media circus taking place in their city.

Beneath the vast dome of pale blue sky, the sunshine was radiant, but there was no warmth...

The eyes of the city were focused on Lemario Mitchell.

Head down, a scarf wrapped about his face, Brad Riner maneuvered through the cluster of people and went to courtroom 23.

As he muscled his way through the crowd, Brad did not notice the collection of photographers in the hallway.

Several covert shots were taken without his awareness, and it showed a granite mask of hatred and fury.

He was in the courtroom when Lemario Mitchell was brought in from an adjoining hallway.

Lemario Mitchell was brought into the courtroom under the escort of four beefy deputies, accompanied by his attorney.

Neither of them had noticed Brad seated behind the prosecution's table, staring daggers at their escort.

Swaylo was dressed in a Fulton county jumpsuit, walking with the aid of a crutch.

Once he entered the room, it was as if the space had gotten smaller.

Estimating the height and build of the man, Brad Riner figured Lemario Mitchell to be around six one-six two, two ten-maybe two-twenty. He appeared to be athletic.

All Brad Riner could think about was seeing Lemario Mitchell dead. Mutilated. Tortured.

Anything other than having to continue to watch the bastard breathing air that he had denied his brother...

Brad could not tear his gaze away from the man's face.

Fifteen minutes after being brought into the courtroom, the judge entered the room, and the bailiff called for an order.

"All Rise..." The bailiff called out over the courtroom.

"Hear Ye. Hear Ye. All people having business with Lemario Mitchell versus the United States, within this federal district, must draw near and be heard. The Honorable Johnathan C. Weatherby presiding."

When the judge took his seat at the bench, the court officer called the hearing to session.

"You may be seated. The court is now in session."

The court clerk passed the judge his judicial calendar.

As he perused over the documents, the clerk gave an announcement for the benefit of the spectators.

Every charge being brought against Swaylo in the federal warrant was read off, for the record.

Lemario Mitchell was being charged with five felony murders, robbery, and a long list of aggravated assault charges, deriving from the bank heist.

He was charged with three murders, from Shonda Williams and the two security guards from the bank.

He was charged with the murder of Pluto, and D-Money.

The judge glared down upon Swaylo like pigeon poop, smeared on his shoe. The look a man may give, watching a buzzard regurgitate its meal.

Disgusted with the look of the person before him.

"Counselor, how does your client plead to the charges?"

"My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor... However, given the scrutiny and accusations that are upon my client, he wants to express his condolences to the families affected by this tragic crime." Dexter Hinton stood tall and important, as though he had everything in order.

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