Chapter 43

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Deep within the depths of a soundless slumber, Brad Riner could hear the distant patter of rain, as it danced across the window.

The thunderstorm was supposed to be a welcomed reprieve from the six-week drought that had hit the city.

Government officials within Atlanta had imposed water restrictions upon many residents in the metropolitan area.

The drastic decrease in lake levels that supplied the city with its water, had made personal lawn watering a prohibition.

Fines were given to ordinance violators.

As the sound of the storm played its music of peace and tranquility, Brad Riner could not escape from the embrace of the dream that had him tossing and turning.

Strewn about him were bottles of beer, a rumpled blanket, and fast-food wrappings.

The anguish of guilt had been a constant companion in his isolated apartment.

It was hard to come home to the whisper:

"You did did did it."

He had to sedate himself with alcohol, just to get some sleep.

The only family that he had was taken from him, he brooded.

His heart was devoid of any other feeling, except guilt, anger, and hatred.

His dreams only fueled the fire that he faced, each day that he awoke and Chad did not.

Living within the walls of his parent's home had been too much of a reminder of his childhood.

It had once been a place that he and Chad had shared.

Now, it possessed entirely too many memories to suppress or ignore, when he was alone.

Every inch of it carried some sort of fond recollection.

Alone with his anguish and grief, there was no place for him to find comfort, peace, or relief from his misery.

His twin brother, Chad, had always been his anchor of safety and security.

When nothing else in life made sense, Chad had always been his voice of reason.

To not have him around was beyond the realm of emotions.

All he could do to salvage his sanity was to dwell on how Lemario Mitchell would rot away in prison.

When word reached him about Lemario Mitchell's release, that was the spark that had fired up his fury.

Disturbed by the dreams that invaded his sleep at night, Brad found himself plagued by vivid memories...

Memories of a time when everything in their lives felt infinite, promising, and right.

A familiar chill walked over his body as he slept.

His clothes were saturated with rain, as he stood before his twin brother nervous, scared, and shivering.

He had stolen his mother's car, to take a late-night trip to his girlfriend's house.

When he snuck back inside of his bedroom, his heart was racing like a runaway slave on horseback.

The house was enveloped in silence.

He was too afraid to try and envision what the consequences might be for such a violation.

One night had ruined his whole summer, he castigated himself in silent regret.

And there was nothing that he could do about it...

"Chad, wake up," he remembered saying to his brother.

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