The Beauty Queen

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Well, I decided to delete "New World". There was barely a plot, and the plot I was thinking up was very boring. So it wasn't gonna go anywhere...

But anyways, on a lighter note, I have a better feeling about this new story. I've been bipolar about my new stories lately... but I'm keeping this one! :D

Hope ya like! ;D


Chapter 1

My mom was pacing around the apartment, ready to pull her hair out. She was mumbling to herself, and she had this crazy, mental patient look to her. I honestly should've been scared, but I knew better than to freak out over one of her mental breakdowns.

I sighed and sat down on the floor. We didn't have any furniture yet.

"When your father gets home..." my mom muttered hysterically, her voice going into a high-pitched falsetto. I pinched the bridge of my nose and shut my eyes, hoping she'll get over her hysteria soon. I won't be able to live with her having a mental breakdown. It'll be mentally exhausting for the both of us.

"It'll be fine," Linda said soothingly, trying to calm our mom's nerves. Linda gently rested her hand on mom's back, but she swatted it away. Linda stumbled backwards in surprise.

"We're living in a two hundred square foot space! We have no furniture, no lights. The best thing we have is that window!" our mom shrieked, pointing viciously at the giant window that was currently open. Linda winced, probably because she realized everyone below could hear our mother, on the verge of exploding. I, on the other hand, could really care less. I just wanted everything to blow over.

"Dad just got a promotion... I'm pretty sure he'll get us a better place," Linda mumbled. Mom glared at her, a crazy look in her eyes. It was a good thing she wasn't holding anything hard. She was only holding the pillow we brought, squeezing it to relieve stress.

"We couldn't even afford the moving van!" my mom cried. Tears welled up in her eyes. I looked away. I can't stand watching people cry, let alone my mother. It depressed me more than it should. I usually can't get the image out of my head for a few days.

"We'll all get jobs," Linda replied, trying to stay calm. That's something she's good at. She always keeps her cool, no matter what the situation. I look up to her for that. My mom sniffled.

"Linda, you're in college," she said softly, "you won't be able to find the time. And Danielle's not even old enough."

And that's reality.

My vision started to blur, and I fought back tears. My eyes started to sting. I dared a look at my mom, who had broken down on the floor. I watched her in horror, peeking at her through my arms. For some reason, I couldn't tear my gaze away.

"Danielle," Linda whispered. I wiped my eyes and looked over at her. She was completely tear-free, and she was perfectly calm. I stared at her in awe.

"We need to get jobs. No matter the consequences, we need them," she told me softly. Our mother couldn't hear us over her own sobs. I cringed.

"But..." I started. Linda cut me off, shaking her head.

"Danielle," she repeated seriously. She held my gaze, giving me a look that somewhat scared me. Not that it was an insane, serial killer look. It was more of a look that told me that this was the real deal. That the little things we had in Kansas were gone. That we couldn't even afford the moving van to bring our stuff here. That the best thing we could afford was this empty, old, stupid apartment with nothing but a giant window.

"We need them."

The Beauty QueenWhere stories live. Discover now