The Beauty Queen - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I usually don't prance around like a miniature pony, but today was just special. I skipped down the hallway, my hands thrown into the air. I even twirled as I passed by the dorms.

I flashed back to this morning's practice. Of course, I expected something gruesome and embarrassing for me, while the others anticipated something uplifting and good for them. We were all sitting in our usual spots on the stage, waiting for everyone to shut up so Penelope could tell us what torture we had to endure today.

Penelope stood in front of the stage, slightly off to the right. I almost freaked out when I saw her. She was... smiling.

It didn't even look like a forced smile, but it was still tight and a little too plastic. But at the moment, I swear she actually looked happy. It was a surprise for all of us, because Katy nearly fell off the stage in shock. Some girls had started mumbling and whispering behind us.

Who knew the devil could smile?

Then she had clasped her hands together, keeping that smile on her face, and she said, "Girls, I'm pleased to announce that you have all earned a free day. For all your hard work this week."

When we had seen her smiling, we didn't know what to expect. All of us almost knew that Penelope would slap her knee and snort, telling us that a recess day was crazy talk. Insane. Immoral. But that smile remained on her face, while we all stared back at her, wide-eyed.

So that's why I'm currently twirling like skinny ballet girl was in the talent practice, all the way through the building.

I closed my eyes and hummed a familiar tune, but at the moment, I was a little too happy to remember which song exactly. I suspected it was something either by Bruno Mars or Hey Monday, but I was just that elated. I mean, since when do Bruno Mars and Hey Monday sound so much alike?

Katy's reaction to Penelope's announcement was instant. She fled to the dorms and jumped under the bed covers, snuggling into the pillows. Katy told me to wake her up "when Penelope smiles again". I laughed at that one.

I was a little disappointed that Katy couldn't join me on my happy parade around the building, but I decided to take advantage of my time alone. If I wasn't alone right now, I'd only have an extra spring in my step, maybe half-skipping a little. But nothing as insane as this.

I executed another sloppy turn, hoping no one saw me trip on a half-step on the ground. I fell forwards, still grinning a little, not yet processing that I was falling. See how looney I get when I'm so super happy? It's a little scary, if you ask me.

My smile finally faded when I hit the ground, and I heard a laugh. I groaned, immediately recognizing the teasing chuckles.

I pushed myself off the ground, dusting myself off once I got to my feet. I half-expected to see Nate standing over me, wearing that stupid smirk he was always wearing. And of course, I’d be flushing and blushing and acting a little too out of character for my taste. Because as I’ve said before, I don’t do blushing.

I did a 360 turn-around, waiting for Nate’s laughing face to appear. But nothing. I didn’t see him anywhere.

I thought back to yesterday all of a sudden, flashing back to my moments on stage with him. I remembered how he had practically rescued me, then even sang with me, and actually didn’t get carried away with all those other girls…

I blushed slightly at my thoughts. Why would I even care if he had been carried away?

But Nate had surprised me yesterday, with his slight change in attitude. Instead of just teasing and taunting, he had actually helped me.

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